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英语翻译Americans use the word friend in a very general way.they

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:02:39
Americans use the word friend in a very general way.they may call many connections friends.Americans have school friends,work friends,sports firends and neighbourhood friends.these friendships are based on common interests.when the shared activity ends,the friendship may disapp.Now Steve and Year are no longer classmates.Their friendship has changed.in some cultures friendship mean a strong lifelong bond between two people.in these cultures friendship develop fast,since they are built to last.American society is one of rapid change.studies show that one out of five American families moves every year because they must change their jobs.theresult is that americans friendship dvelops quickly.people from the united states may atfirst seem friendly.American often chat easily with strangers.they exchange information abour their families,hobbies and work.they may smile warmly and say habe a nice day or see you later ,schoolmates may say let's get together sometime.but american friendliness is not always an offer of ture friendship.after an experience like yarer's,outsiders may consider americans to be changeble.learning how americans view firendship can help non-americans avoid misunderstanding.it can also help them make friends in the american way.
朋友这个词在美国使用范围非常广泛,他们可以把任何有联系的人都称为朋友.美国人有学校的朋友,工作单位朋友,一起运动朋友,邻居朋友.这类朋友都是基于共同利益的,因为一旦没有了共同参与的活动,这种友谊也就宣告结束.许多文化中,友谊被视作可以在两个之间维系一生的强大纽带.而生活在这种文化中的人们,友谊的发展也很快,因为它会长期持续下去.美国社会变化非常快.研究显示20%的美国家庭每年都会迁移,因为他们经常变换工作.结果,人们之间的友谊发展的也很快.第一次见面就非常友好,美国人跟陌生人之间很是健谈,他们会谈及自己的家庭,爱好,工作等.他们笑容可掬,分手时会说 “过的开心点”或“ 一会儿见”之类的话.同学之间可能会说“有空咱们一起去玩啊”.但对于美国人来说,这种关系不一定是真正的友谊.知道了美国人对友谊的看法有助于外国人避免出现误会,让他们以美国的方式结交朋友.