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英语完形填空Jim likes playing football.And he ( 1 ) likes watching

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:51:29
Jim likes playing football.And he ( 1 ) likes watching football matches(比赛),And he hasn't enough(足够的)money to buy tickets(票),he has to(不得不) ( 2 ) them on TV at home.But to his regret(遗憾),he ( 3 )
goes to school from Monday to Friday and misses(错过) a lot of interesting matches.One afternoon ( 4 ) would be the biggest(最大的) football match of the Year in America.Jim wanted to watch it ( 5 )TV very much,but he couldn't.They would have a physics test(物理测验) the nest morning and he had to get ready,"Can we have a video(录象机),Mum?" Jim asked( 6 ) he went to school,"Then you'll record(录) the football matches ( 7 )me." "I'm afraid(恐怕) we can't buy ( 8 )," said his mother,But the nest afternoon,Jim came in,with a ( 9 ) video in his arms."How did you pay for(支付) that,Jim?" the woman asked in surprise(惊讶地)."That's ( 10 ),Mum." Answered the boy."I've sold(卖) our TV set!"
( )1.too 2.only 3.also
( )1.watch 2.look 3.see
( )1.often 2.always 3.has to
( )1.it 2.there 3.here
( )1.on 2.in 3.at
( )1.before 2.after 3.when
( )1.with 2.for 3.to
( )1.a 2.that 3.one
( )1.long 2.short 3.new
( )1.right 2.all right 3.easy(容易)