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英语翻译3.3Classification and regulationsThe ship,including the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 23:37:23
Classification and regulations
The ship,including the hull machinery and
equipment shall be built under the survey of the Classification Society in
accordance with their Rules and Regulations for the class as follows:
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping for the class:• 100 A1,Ice class 1A (Finish),
"Strengthened for Heavy Cargoes",Timber Deck Cargoes,"Container
Cargoes in Hold on Deck and on Upper Deck Hatch Covers",LA • LMC,UMS,IWS,PCWBT,SCM,NAV 1
and Regulations
The ship shall be built in compliance with
the following Conventions,Rules and Regulations as in force at the date of
signing the Contract:• Classification Society Rules and
Regulations according to class notations;• Finnish - Swedish Ice Class Rules (FMA
Bulletin No.13/1.10.2002) - timber load line shall not be considered for Ice
class;• International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea,1974,including the December 2002 amendments;• International Convention of Tonnage
• Convention on the International Regulation
for Preventing Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978
relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) including Annexes I,III,IV,V and VI,
including the April 2004 amendments• International Convention on Load Lines,
1966,as amended in 2003 (Consolidated edition,2005) Convention on the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,1972,and revisions
of 1981 and 1987 including the 2001 amendments;• ITU Radio Regulations,Geneva 1990,
including the 1992 amendments;• Suez Canal navigation rule,1981,including
the latest amendments;• Panama Canal navigation rule,1984,
including the latest amendments;• USCG Regulations for Foreign Flag Vessels
Operating in the Navigable Waters of theUSA;• Maritime rules of the Netherlands (IVW-DS).
Including noise regulations (*);• ARBO regulations (Netherlands Health
Regulations) (*);
• Rule of Australian Waterside Worker's
Federation (AWWF/AMSA Marine orders-MO32) for hold and crane pedestal access
ladders;• Reg.54 of Solas 1981 for the carriage of
dangerous goods DHI (Partial application) (*) →SOLAS Ch.II-2 Reg.19;
• INF CODE (International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel,Plutonium and High-level
Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships) for Class INF 1 ship;• International Life Saving Appliance (LSA)
Code,1996;• ILO Conventions:
o C 68 Food and Catering (Ship’s Crews)
o C 92 Accommodation of Crews Convention
o C 133 Accommodation of Crews
(Supplementary Provisions) Convention,1970,
o C 148 Working Environment (Air Pollution,
Noise and Vibration) Convention,1977,
o C 152 Occupational Safety and Health
(Dock Work) Convention,1979;
英国劳氏船级社登记为100 A1,冰区级1A(芬兰)
* 根据入级标志的船级社规章制度;
* 芬兰-瑞典冰区级规则(2002年10月1日FMA第13号公报)- 冰区级船舶无需考虑木
* 关于海上生命安全的1974年国际公约,包括2002年12月的修正条例;
* 关于吨位测量的1969年国际公约;
* 1973年公约有关源自船舶污染的国际规定,按1978年协议修改的MARPOL 73/78,
包括附录I,III,IV,V and VI,也包括2004年4月的修正条例;
* 关于载重线的1966年国际公约,经2003年的修正(2005年综合版本);1972年公
* 1990年日内瓦国际电联无线电规则,包括1992年的修正;
* 1981年苏伊士运河航运规则,包括最新的修正;
* 1984年巴拿马运河航运规则,包括最新的修正;
* 有关外国船只在美国水域航行的美国海岸警卫队法规;
* 荷兰的海运规则(IVW-DS),包括噪音法规;
* 阿尔博条例(荷兰卫生条例);
* 关于进入船舱与起重机底座梯子的澳大利亚码头工人联合会规则 (AWWF/AMSA
Marine orders-MO32);
* 1981年海上生命安全条例(SOLAS)第54条关于运载危险物品DHI(部分应用)
→SOLAS第二章-2 第19条规定;
* 适用于INF1级船舶的“装载包装型放射性核燃料、钚与高放射性废弃物的国际航运
安全准则”(INF Code);
* 1996年国际救生设备准则(LSA Code);
* 国际劳工组织公约之
- C68:关于船员伙食与餐饮的1946年公约;
- C92:船员住宿公约;
- C133:船员住宿公约(1970年补充规定);
- C148:1977年工作环境公约(空气污染、噪音和振动);
- C152:关于码头工作的1979年职业安全与健康公约.