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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 23:29:06
Early agreed to mountain tourism,the day before finally and several friends went to,as she went to the train station,travel can be a smooth one,because the weather is no rain,perhaps a few days ago we began the journey and their luggage,in time,not many of waste,arrived at the destination on the mountain,a climb Speaking process,now I see the fear on the stairs,but fortunately I was home sitting lift,so it did not have too much fear,add a few finely chopped in the backpack weight,a tired word.They may have been flying over several physical reasons why more good than I am.I fought really into all of the efforts of the mountains before the half way point in the end,we decided to rest 12 points crawling.eat bun bun,it should be a quick start 1:00 a distance,a way out is tired of death,the final climb Peak also like to fairyland,fog filled the air,and the big wind,it was caught off guard.the middle of the night is perhaps the most difficult section of the experience,because the weather is too cold of the mountains,we take fewer clothes,inevitably people unable to support,not because of the late sunrise So it is inevitable to see some regret.We follow the same route back down to the intermediate cars started down,because it was really tired and on this noon yesterday arrived in Jinan.Jinan to the first issue is to sleep,too sleepy and until today with respect to,come back after the reflections is not to climb the mountain,and would rather spend the money to do the ropeway careful not to climb the.Friends of the future is not in front of me again that the word mountain.
英语翻译很早就约定去泰山旅游,前天终于和几个朋友去了,早早的就到了火车站,旅途可以说是一帆风顺,因为天气没有下雨,也许我 英语翻译五一放假我和我的父母去泰山看日出.为了看日出我们出发了好几天了.终于在4:30分我们到了泰山.第二天早晨天渐渐亮 英语翻译1.也许是因为生长在泰山脚下,所以让我拥有了宽和的心态去面对生活的点点滴滴.在朋友的眼中,我是最好的倾听者.当他 好一个“鸟的天堂” 听朋友说,“鸟的天堂”鸟很多.我早就想去看看,今天终于盼到了.你说我能不高兴吗?  我和表妹坐上小船 英语翻译我的假期生活我非常开心.虽然我没有出去旅游.但是我和朋友们到养老院去帮助老人们.到了养老院,我们自我介绍了后,就 英语翻译你买到了倩碧吗?如果没有,那就不要买了,我有个哥哥最近去了加拿大旅游,他也可以帮我带倩碧,如果你买到了,你打算怎 英语翻译我的假期是快乐的,我和妈妈,小姨去了北京.因为北京的天气很晴朗,所以我在那住了一个星期!我吃到了许多的北京特产! 英语翻译我的一天今天早上我早早的起了床,然后去吃早饭.吃完后,我和我的朋友去上学.中午11点半,我开始吃午饭.下午回家我 英语翻译前天,我和我的父母去广州旅游了两天,在此期间,我们去了广州番禺区的莲花山,在莲花山中,我看到了雄伟的观音和秀丽的 用英语翻译.(就在端午节时,我和我的妈妈去旅行了,我们去了农村,我们去一个叔叔家做客,当然也可以说是去旅行,我每天都与姐 英语翻译今天我去了黄山,那里的景色很迷人.有很多山和河流.今天是晴天,天气很好,我很期待这次旅游,因为我很喜欢大自然.也 我很早就想去长江看一看了 英语翻译