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He was not s() than the other b() in his class.So he wasn't

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:55:06
He was not s() than the other b() in his class.So he wasn't h().He could jump h() than some of the boys,but couldn't run faster t() them.He decided to g() up earlier and do more e() than before.In the morning,he would not r() a bike to school.He would j() to school.
He was not s(horter 更矮的 ) than the other b(obys 男孩) in his class.So he wasn't h(appy 快乐的).He could jump h(igher更高 ) than some of the boys,but couldn't run faster t(han 比) them.He decided to g(row成长) up earlier and do more e(xericise 锻炼) than before.In the morning,he would not r(ide 骑) a bike to school.He would j(ump 跳) to school.
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再答: 第一空填 stronger 更强壮的 第六空填 get

意思: 他没有班上其他男孩那么强壮,所以他很不快乐/高兴。 他跳得比一些男孩高,但跑得没他们快。 他决定比以前起得更早多做运动。 早上,他不会骑自行车上没。他会蹦蹦跳跳上学。