作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

你的表弟David是最近给你寄来的一封信,信中还附着一张照片,他看上去比以前可是胖了许多. 请根据文后所提示写句子,并组

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 04:09:18
你的表弟David是最近给你寄来的一封信,信中还附着一张照片,他看上去比以前可是胖了许多. 请根据文后所提示写句子,并组句成文,作为你给表弟回信中的内容.(信的开头和结尾已给出)
Daer Tom
How are you?I have been in the USA for six months.I like the life here.I have a few friends.I don't have much homework.There are a lot of sports activities at my school,but I don't like them at all.
I like the food very much - fried chicken ,hamburgers,ice cream and photo chips.I eat them every day.I like Coke very much,too.I don't drink water.I drink cola instead.I'm enjoying my life here.The sad thing is that sometimes I get ill.I don't know why.Can you tell me what can I shuold do?
1.lucky,not,a lot of,homework,chance,do more sports
2.your photo,fat,now
3.should,eat,less,fried chicken,potato chips
Dear David
very pleased to receive your letter and I'm glad that youare enjoying yourself in the USA.
I'm OK.I like sports,but I don't have time.But I always have a lot of homework every day!So I want to write a letter to the teacher about it.What do you think of it?
Daer David
I am very happy to receive your letter.I envy(羡慕) you your good luck that you have not a lot of homework.
I also(也) have got your photo,you're looked be more fat now.Though(虽然) the food in the USA is very delicious(可口),I
think you should eat less fried chicken or potato chips.
I do(=really) think you should make chance to do more sports,just like running and
swimming.Trust(相信) me,it will make your body be more thin(注:瘦,苗条).
Good luck!
假如戴维david是你的新朋友,请根据以下表格内容提示,写一篇短文介绍他 我今年10岁上的是小学六年级 最近我的表弟要来我家 他八岁比我聪明许多 巧舌如簧这次是请大家能为我出谋划策一下给他一个下 假如你是李华,你家拿大的笔友David最近用英语给你写信,询问你如何度过即将到来的暑假.根据下面提示写. 英语翻译英语请假条 (不要用英语翻译器)假如你是David ,昨天出车祸,今天不能来上学,给你的老师Mr.Liu写一张请 假设你是kelly,你的笔友tom给你写了封信,同时给你寄来了一张全家福.现在你给他写封回信,也给他寄去一张你的全家福, 全家福 英语作文假如你叫Tony,你的朋友jim及给你一张他的全家福.请你写信感谢他寄来的照片,附一张你的全家福给她,并 英语作文: 你美国的笔友Tom给你来信,并给你寄来了他的一张全家福.他向你要一张你家的全家福.并请你谈谈你对你的家人的感 根据汉语提示完成句子1、David正在给我们看他的新照片.David is ____ ____ his new phot 英语作文(假如David是你的好朋友,请以My friend,David为题写一篇作文)根据下列David的一些条件来介 根据提示,写一篇英文作文:假如你是Jenny,请你根据下面的提示,给你的好朋友Maria写一封信,告诉他你的烦恼.提示: 英语作文 高手进假如你是李明,请你根据提示内容,给你在美国的笔友john写一封信,向他介绍你是怎样学习英语的,并请他给你 写英语作文,假如你是Jenny,你有很多家规,请根据所提示内容给你的好朋友susan发一封电子邮件.