作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 09:18:56
Ms. Li, our English teacher, must have found it strange on Teachers' Day; she did not receive a single
greeting card from us students. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her.
As Teachers' Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day
for a change this year. On the afternoon of September 10,some of us decorated our classroom with paper
flowers and balloons, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, which read "Happy Teachers' Day!"
Entering the classroom, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly "Happy Teachers' Day!" Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared flowers. Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, and three boys showed their Gongfu talent. Before we left, we enjoyed a
new English song by Ms. Li.
Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard
work and guidance.
假定你是李华 本学期你校开展“争做节约达人”的活动 校报向全校师生征集节俭方法 请你用英语写一封 你快要小学毕业了,班里组织一次毕业典礼活动,如果你是主持人,请你为这次毕业典礼活动做一段开场白 初三毕业在即, 你班将组织一次课外活动。假如你是班长, 请根据下面内容, 用英文写一篇80词左右的活动计划。 英语作文:假定你叫李华,你的美国朋友Jim询问你高中毕业后是否有意到美国上大学,请参照以下要点提示给他 假如你将代表你校2008届毕业生在学校毕业典礼上发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,发言稿的内容要点如下.回 英语作文:初中的学习生活即将结束了.假如你叫李华 ,在明天的毕业典礼上你将代表所有毕业生发言.请 初三英语作文同学们,三年的初中生活即将结束,在毕业离校之前学校打算举办一个毕业典礼.如果请你上台做演讲,What are 假定你是李华,你的朋友李明写信告诉你他因不善于交友而苦恼.请根据以下提示给他回信,提出建议. 英语作文.假如你是Jessica,在毕业来临之际,你想对你最感激的同学写一封感谢信. “同学们,还有一年你就要小学毕业了,在即将离开母校之际,请你代表六年级毕业生发发言吧”是要写什作文 假设你是班长,下学期你们学校将举办一些活动,请根据下列计划,向同学们介绍下学期的主要活动安排. 假如你是李明,上周你班同学就”毕业前我们该为学校做些什么?”进行了激烈的讨论。请你根据下表提示,将同学们的建议用英语写一