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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:18:54
《红楼梦》是我国古典四大名著之一.作品以巨大的艺术表现力,描写了一系列女性的悲剧.在笔者看来,《红楼梦》是一曲女性的悲歌,同时它也是一曲女性的颂歌.作家曹雪芹笔下的一群美人,不仅容貌倾国倾城,才华更是惊天动地.她们共同生活在大观园里,形成一个芬芳的国度.然而,在这个美女、才女如云的国度里,“心比天高,身为下贱” 的俏丫环——晴雯,以其美丽、聪慧、叛逆而富有反抗性的性格和悲壮的命运,真实地再现了封建社会末期被统治阶级和统治阶级内部斗争的社会现实,愤怒谴责封建阶级的腐朽和虚伪,热情讴歌了被压迫者的挣扎、反抗与斗争,赢得了广大读者的同情和喜爱,成为《红楼梦》中最引人注目的人物之一.晴雯这个艺术形象“向世人昭示了一个感情上难以承受,但却无可改变的哲理:人生和社会永远处于无法摆脱的命运悲剧之中”具有震憾人心的悲剧力量.
关 键 词:
《红楼梦》 晴雯 性格 命运 悲剧 形象
"A Dream of Red Mansions" is China's four famous classical one.With great works of art performance,and a series of women about the tragedy.In my view,"A Dream of Red Mansions" is a women's Elegy,but it is also a women's carol.Described by writer Cao Xueqin of a group of beauties,not just Qingguoqingcheng appearance,talent is earthshaking.They live together in the Grand View Garden,forming a fragrant country.However,in this beautiful women,like clouds Cainv the country,"heart than days,as Xiajian" Qiao Yahuan - Qingwen,its beauty,intelligence,and treason against the rich and tragic character of the fate of the real Reproduced by the end of the feudal ruling class society and the ruling class struggle within the social reality,angry condemnation of the class the decadent feudal and hypocritical,Reqingouge the oppressed struggle,resistance and struggle and won the sympathy and our readers love,Become a "Dream of Red Mansions" in one of the most remarkable figures.Qingwen the artistic image "shown to the whole world an emotionally unbearable,but it can change the philosophy:life and society forever in no way to escape the fate of the tragedy" shocked with the tragedy of people power.
Key words:
"A Dream of Red Mansions" tragic fate of Qingwen character image
"A Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the chinese four famous classicals.With great works of art performance,and a series of women about the tragedy.I think "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a women's Elegy,but it is also a women's carol.Described by writer Cao Xueqin of a group of beauties aren't only beautiful,but aslo talent is earthshaking.They live together in the Grand View Garden,forming a fragrant country.However,the women in this beautiful like clouds Cainv the country,"heart than days,as Xiajian" Qiao Yahuan - Qingwen,its beauty,intelligence,and treason against the rich and tragic character of the fate of the real Reproduced by the end of the feudal ruling class society and the ruling class struggle within the social reality,angry condemnation of the class the decadent feudal and hypocritical,Reqingouge the oppressed struggle,resistance and struggle and won the sympathy and our readers love,Become a "Dream of Red Mansions" in one of the most remarkable figures.Qingwen the artistic image "shown to the whole world an emotionally unbearable,but it can change the philosophy:life and society forever in no way to escape the fate of the tragedy" shocked with the tragedy of people power.
Key Mansiwords:
"A Dream of Red Mansions" tragic fate of Qingwen character image