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英语翻译Sison says one of the biggest risks for the poor is not

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:22:25
Sison says one of the biggest risks for the poor is not being able to get preventive services such as immunization and proper nutrition.In addition,many people do not recognize when a symptom,such as a fever or a cough,indicates severe disease,so they may not get treatment until an illness is advanced.
Also,because they can not afford the cost,many families put off treatment for a child until they have no choice.
"There is reluctance to seek professional care in a clinic because they are looking at how much it would cost just to get to the clinic," she said."And then once they get there people will be asking them for money to be able to treat their children.So it's usually when you can really tell that the child is very,severely ill and near death.That's when they usually get enough motivation to bring the child to a health center."
In the Philippines,she says,families have to pay 44 percent of general health costs.So the very poor suffer and need free medicines.
Sison says it is up governments all over the world to provide basic health care for children,especially for poor children.
The report says the inequity between rich and poor is graphically illustrated in Peru,where the poorest children are 7.4 times more likely to die than the richest.However,based on national averages Peru has relatively high standards of health care for children.
The 55 nations surveyed in the study account for nearly 60 percent of the world's population of children under five,and 83 percent of all child deaths.India has the highest number of children without adequate care - 67 million,or 53 percent of those under five.Nigeria is second,with 16 million children suffering,or 66 percent.
One section of the report also identifies the best and worst places to be a mother and child in 146 countries.Sweden takes top place while Niger is in last place.
“有不愿寻求在一家诊所的专业照顾,因为他们看多少只需花费去诊所,”她说. “然后,一旦到达那里的人将要求向他们索取钱财能够对待自己的孩子.所以通常当你真的可以告诉大家,孩子很,病重,濒临死亡.这时候他们通常会得到足够的动力带孩子去保健中心.“
接受调查的55个国家的近60世界人口的百分之的儿童在5岁以下的研究帐户,和83所有儿童死亡人数的百分之.印度已经没有足够的照顾的儿童人数最多- 6700万美元,或百分之五十三的5岁以下.尼日利亚是第二次,有16万儿童的痛苦,或百分之六十六.