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英语翻译MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?ScriptChris:First perio

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 20:10:17
MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?
Chris:First period is math with Mr.Woods.I don’t know how am I going to stay awake?
Nora:I like Mr.Wood.He’s interesting.
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
Nora:Mrs.Jenkins.She’s smart.Students really learn a lot from her.
Chris:She’s tough!You have to work hard in her class,or you’ll probably fail.
Nora:No pain,no gain.
Chris:Nonsense,You could have learned even more with Mr.Sharp.But not many students opt for his class.
Nora:What’s wrong with him?
Chris:Often,the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+,and he usually fails half of the students.
Nora:No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr.Shark.Well,how about PE?What are you doing this semester?
Chris:That’s the worst part.In PE,we’re learning t’ai chi.I’m bored to death.
Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.
Chris:Oh…that figures!This is going to be a terrible semester.
Nora:This is going to be a great semester!
就是第三句He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!怎么翻译好?
Not to rub salt into the wound
还有这句呢 倒数第三句
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
“Not to rub salt into the wound”
“rub salt into the wound”字面意思是“在伤口上撒盐”,引申意思为“把事情弄得更糟”.
“Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.”