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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:53:33
throw in:免费添加,额外奉送
If you take this armchair,I will throw in a couple of extra pillows.
To win her heart,I spent a mint and even threw in a fancy car.
再问: 这取自buffett的一段演讲,前面他为了让同学们了解最可贵的品质提了一个问题,即让同学们投资周围熟悉的一个同学,可以买下他后半生10%的财富,那么你会投资谁,通过这种方法来使同学们了解决定成功的品质是什么,并非只有intelligence一个,integrity,energy都是很重要的品质,Then i would throw in a hooker.In addition to this person you had to go short one of your classmates.Who do you want to go short?
再答: 我去查看了一下这部分发言,我的理解是, 这一部分巴菲特始终在强调品质、性质等因素比智商、成绩、体育、相貌等因素更重要,更决定一个人的成败。 说到在自己的班级里选一个最有可能成功的人,要选the person who is generous, honest and who gave credit to other people for their own ideas 等等各种令人敬仰的品质。 然后就是那句:Then I would throw in a hooker. In addition to this person you had to go short one of your classmates. hooker自然是很不受敬仰的一类人,但是如果把这样一个人放到班级群体里,是不是还可能有人的品质比她还不受敬仰?你的班级里有没有这样下三滥的人,让你宁愿与hooker打交道也要对他/她敬而远之? 当然这部分明显有调侃的意思,还是在强调优良品质对于成功人生的重要性。 这确实是一篇不错的讲话。 最后,翻译一下这段话: That would be the person who is generous, honest and who gave credit to other people for their own ideas. All types of qualities. Whomever you admire the most in the class. Then I would throw in a hooker. In addition to this person you had to go short one of your classmates. 那个人应该是个慷慨、诚实、尊重他人思想主见的人。具有各种优良品质。你在班级中最敬仰的那个人。然后,我再加进一个J女。把这个人加上后,你就必须从你的同学中去除一人。