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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 08:59:27
It is reported that to build a road,a well-known historical and cultural city has recently torn town its ancient city walls dating from the Tang Dynasty.Our class has had a debate on______________________________
It is reported that to build a road,a well-known historical and cultural city has recently torn town its ancient city walls dating from the Tang Dynasty.Our class has had a debate on it.Nearly ten percent of students are for this act.The main reason for their view is the development of the economy is much more important than preserving the cutural heritages.Plus,constructing roads are necessary for boosting the economy.On the other side of this debate though,many individuals argue that ancient city walls are cultural heritages which left to us by our ancestors and are also symbols of the civilisation of this city,which played a very important role in history.Cultural heritages effectively promotes the cultural communication and interaction between nations that are different culturally.As far as I am concerned,this view may be based on the consideration that architectures of historic significance and special aesthetic value are cultural identity,they should be preserved.They are the things that made us become Chinese,they are the foundations of our nation..In conclusion,authorities should not develop the economy at the expense of destroying buildings of historic significance.
英语作文:据报道,某历史文化名城为了修建公路.将该市建于唐朝的古城墙拆了.你们班就此现象进行了辩论.请根据以下辩论结果写 据报道.某历史文化城为了修建公路将该市建于唐代的古城拆毁你班就此现象进行啦辩论,赞成和不赞成100左右 某历史文化名城为了修建公路,将该市建于唐代古代城墙拆毁进行辨析,就反对方和赞成方观点写一篇100字英语 某历史文化名城为了修建公路,就该市唐代的古城墙拆了,就此,谈谈你的看法.写一篇100字的英语短文. 英语作文:请根据一下辩论结果写一篇100词左右的短文,并谈谈你的看法. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词) 1.谁拆毁了这些古城墙? 最近你班同学就许多家长在学校附近 租(rent)房陪读的现象进行了讨论,请根据讨论结果写一篇100词左右的短文,并谈谈你 "中学生是否可以在校使用手机?"你班就此话题进行了讨论.请你根据以下记录表写一篇短文 假设你们班最近就科学家是否应该克隆人展开了辩论,请根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,说明这次辩论的情况 英语作文一中学班级就生活在城市或乡村问题进行了辩论.下面是部分辩论记录要点,请确立你的观点,参照要点,写一篇题为I Pr 一中学班级就生活在城市或乡村问题进行了辩论。下面是部分辩论记录要点,请确定你的观点,参照该记录要点并发挥想像,写一篇题为 七年级某班同学就“开卷有益”进行了激烈的辩论.正方主辩围绕“开卷有益”的观点进行了辩论.假若你是反方主辩,那么,请围绕开