作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 04:25:44
1 My parents always ___ great importance to my getting a good education.A.pay B.attach
2 Seeing the big crowd coming towards him,he started to run down the hill,but ___ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow.A.skied B.slipped
3.—The town is so beautiful!I just love it.
—Me too.The character of the town is well _____.A.decorated Bpreserved
4She ___ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.A.equipped B.matched
5From the moment babies are born,parents are helping them to released into the world ,not to __ them or to control their lives for the rest of life.A.hold on to B.break up with
6 Some experts say that other possibilities may ____ to accidents as well,such as the carelessness of drivers and the disobedience of traffic regulations.A.correspond B.contribute
7.—What was the motorist’s final decision to deal with the ¥400,000 left on his motorbike?
—After six nights of ______ with his conscience,he decided to return all the money to the loser.
A.wrestling B.corresponding
8 —How do you ___ your absence from class this morning?- My neighbor's child got ill and I took him to hospital.A.account for B.ask for
9—How can my daughter develop her interest in literature?—You should ___ her to classical literary worksA expose B recommend
10—Could you tell me something about the virus,Dr Smith?—Sure.It________via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs.A.accumulates B.circulates
正确选项分别是:1-5BBBBA 6-10BAAAB
1.B 词组:认为...重要
2.B ski是滑雪的意思,slip是因路面湿滑不平而滑倒的意思
3.B A答案的意思是装饰 B答案的意思是保留 小镇保留了它的特色
4.B A是装备 B 是匹配
再问: 还有六题呢,能再讲具体点吗
再答: 5.A A答案就等于contrl 控制 B答案分手
6.B 考的是contribute to ....为....做贡献 A答案是一致,通信。。本题的意思是其他的一些可能性也会导致交通事故的发生。。引申:可能性为交通事故做贡献的意思。
再问: 都回答的好慢啊?不能速度点一次讲完吗,这些题也不多啊
再答: 5.A A答案就等于contrl 控制 B答案分手
6.B 考的是contribute to ....为....做贡献 A答案是一致,通信。。本题的意思是其他的一些可能性也会导致交通事故的发生。。引申:可能性为交通事故做贡献的意思。
7.A A答案的意思是摔跤,扭斗,,这里引申为:思想斗争 B答案上题意思已给
8.A A答案的意思是 解释 B答案的意思是 要求 询问
9.A 这里考的是 expose sb to sth 使某人接触、了解某物
10.B A是聚集的意思 B 是流传的意思 via是通过的意思 病毒是通过血液传播的。。
再问: 那最后两句第九句、十句的整句意思是什么?再翻译一下最后两句呢,好像还是没讲清楚啊,之前只是分析了排除各题其他选项的理由,还没讲请句子的意思
再答: 9.怎样才能让我女儿在文学方面发展下兴趣?你应该让她多接触下经典的文学作品。
10.史密斯医生,您能告诉我们一些关于这种病毒的事情吗? 当然。该病毒是通过血流来传播的,从而引起各种器官的病变。