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5道英语单选1.I hope all the precautions against air pollution,()s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:42:14
1.I hope all the precautions against air pollution,()suggested by the local government ,will be seriously considered here.
A.while Bsince Cafter Das
2.Now that you have a job, you must exert yourself in ()you do at work
Ahowerer Bno matter Cno matter how Dwhatever(为什么不能选B)
3.she watches TV()evening and changes channels ()few minutes
Ain ,every Bevery,every Cevery,each Devery,in
4.()is often the case, we have worked out the production plan
Awhich Bwhen Cwhat Das
5.The visiting professor()giving lecturesto students ()invited to meeting at a time
Apreferred,to being Bpreferred to ,rather than Cpreferred, than doing Dpreferred,to be(为什么不选B)
while表示一个"当什么进行"的意思.since这里有because的意思,而这句话不是因果.after放在这里很别扭.as suggested是很常用的一个词组.在美国呆久了也用不少.as suggested,as mentioned,as planned.
2.D.尽管no matter和whatever都有"不管怎样"的意思,这里不是否定,所以不用no matter.
如果用in evening中间要加the.所以不是A
不用C因为从来没人说each few minutes,词组就是every few minutes.every other week,every so often.
不用D因为in few minutes也说不通.in 后面加时间,比如in 10 minutes,意思是10分钟以后怎样怎样.
A不对,因为to being giving是错的.应该是to be giving
B不对是因为rather than后面动词要加ing
C不对因为than doing invited to meeitng说不通.他是被动,他被请去会议,不是他正在"做被请去会议".2个动词放一起搭配不对,没人说do invite.