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写一篇观后感Please write a book review about one Britain famous au

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 04:45:26
Please write a book review about one Britain famous author's masterpiece,using the knowledge you have learned about Britain literature.可以用中文写 的,400字左右
是写 英国某个作家写的某本书的观后感
Robinson Crusoe, the narrator of the story, tells us that he was born in 1632 in the city of York, England. His father, a German immigrant, married a woman whose name was Robinson, and his real name was Robinson Kreutznaer, but due to the natural corruption of languages, the family now writes their name "Crusoe." He was the third son; his oldest brother was killed in a war, and the next son simply disappeared.
When Robinson Crusoe first had an urge to go to sea, his father lectured him upon the importance of staying home and being content with his "middle station" in life. His father maintained that the "middle station had the fewest disasters and was not exposed to so many vicissitudes as the higher or lower part of mankind." After his father expressly forbade him to go to sea, and, furthermore, promised to do good things for him if he stayed home, for another whole year, Robinson Crusoe stayed at home, but he constantly thought of adventures upon the high sea. He tried to enlist the aid of his mother, pointing out that he was now eighteen years old and if he did not like the sea, he could work diligently and make up for the time he might lose while at sea. She refused to help him, even though she did report his strong feelings to her husband.
When Robinson was nineteen, on the first of September, in 1651, he joined a friend on a ship bound for London, without consulting either his father or mother. Almost immediately, "the wind began to blow, and the sea to rise in a most frightful manner." Robinson Crusoe, who had never been to sea before, saw this as a sign that he was justly "overtaken by the judgement of Heaven" for his wicked leaving of his father's house without letting anyone know. He was so frightened that he made the promise: "If it would please God here to spare my life in this one voyage, if ever I got once my foot upon dry land again, I would go directly home to my father, and never set it into a ship again while I lived." The wind soon abated, and the next morning the sea was so calm and so beautiful that he entirely forgot the vows and promises that he had made in his distress, and joined the other sailors in a drinking bout.
As they neared a place called Yarmouth Roads, the winds ceased to blow and thus they were stilled for eight days, and when the winds did begin to blow, the ship immediately encountered a storm much more violent than the earlier one. Even the most experienced sailors were down on their knees praying. The storm continued with such fury that the seamen acknowledged that they had never known a worse one.
When the boat sprung a leak, Robinson was ordered below to help pump the water. It soon became apparent that they would not be able to save the ship and the captain fired several volleys of distress signals. A lighter ship in the vicinity made it up to their ship and was able to take the crew away from the sinking ship, which foundered soon after they left.
The crew finally got to shore, where Robinson Crusoe met his friend's father, who owned the ship. When the captain heard Robinson Crusoe's story, he felt strongly that it was the "hand of Providence" instructing Robinson Crusoe never to go to sea any more. He told the young man: "You ought to take this for a plain and visible token that you are not to be a seafaring man." He even wondered if he had done something wrong that such a person as Robinson Crusoe should "come onto his ship," and he warned Crusoe again that "you will meet with nothing but disasters and disappointments" if he did not go back to his father's house.
Shakespeare as Britain's most outstanding Renaissance masters, Marx was known as the "greatest drama of the gifted." Shakespeare's works is almost a tragedy in the world, "Romeo and Juliet" Millennium sung a thousand tears flow; "Hamlet" a happy prince of melancholy is not too shocked a large number of people ... ... but his comedy is also worth Time to read.
Shakespeare's plays, "The Merchant of Venice" is to explore the old money and timeless topics. Money is the world's most valuable things you? There is something even more precious than money? Rich and moving story of family ties, love and pay for the Acura, witty dialogue, the plot turn, exaggerated the circumstances of Comedy, romance and legend is full of color. Is intertwined with friendship, love, love the world and lead us to understanding what is important in life, the value of humor ... ... a vehicle of a deep connotations!
Play the main characters are Antonio, Shylock, Basaniao, Baoxi Ya, Luo Lanzuo and Jessica. They live in rich business of re-Venice, Antonio, went to see the beauty of enthusiasm Basaniao help of wealthy people and women Baoxi Ya loan to Shylock the money borrowed 3000, according to Shylock and the default setting of a chest cut Pounds of meat contract. Antonio all the capital in the "sea", the merchant for some reason he failed to return, the paper Shylock a pleading him to court. Coordinating court failed because of ill Shylock Basaniao not even three times to 10 times the borrower's repayment as long as that pound of flesh. The trial court, Bao Xiya Nvbannanzhuang off as their own lawyers learned to make Shylock give up the idea of the resort at the same time do not get back to the borrower a subset of children. Even worse is that all his property in accordance with the law are to "elopement" Jessica's daughter and son-in-law Luo Lanzuo.
Do not get greedy Shylock, said nothing in the end, a look at his father for Baoxi Ya Baby optional daughter, pro-customized gold, silver, lead and the three box, inside the box are the skeletons of the dead, fool Baoxi Ya-portrait and portraits.
Kim outside the box inscribed: "Who chose me, will be the people's desire things." Inside the paper: "Fat is the failure of the flash of gold, the words of the ancients did not lie; how many people betrayed their lives, but to see By my appearance, maggots occupy the gilded tomb. If you also bold and intelligent, healthy hands and feet, but to see mature, they will not get a reply this way: Good-bye, you are advised to cool this piece of mind. "
Silver box carved out: "Who chose me, will get what he deserves." Inside the paper are: silver in the fire which burnt Qibian; that will never be wrong to judge, and must be seven The second test. Some life-long pursuit of the mirage, at the Mirage, had no choice but to seek to meet. I know some of the world do Dainiao air with a silver-plated appearance; as you marry a wife, what kind of room, which can not be a fool out of the bladder; go, sir, to avoid further delay time! "
Lead outside the box inscribed: "Who chose me, he must sacrifice everything for." Inside the paper: "Do you choose not to his appearance, did you straight to the heart of Hu! Victory means you have been Embrace, you go elsewhere to trace Mo. Tangshi you satisfied with the outcome of this, please accept your lucky, your body rotation as soon as possible, you have to love a deep kiss. "
Here, we have to see Bao Xiya applaud the wisdom of his father. In fact, the box is not only reflected the views of the people of the world of money, but also to all matters, Jin Yintong it is only an analogy, the inside of the paper itself is a very good interpretation.
In real life, we look at things, the evaluation of the figures just do not look. The fair is not the orange foul within you? Fujiazaidi some will only wear gold and silver are the ignorant and incompetent. The so-called真人不露相ah, do not have real talent fashionable package, not necessarily rhetoric. "Flash made of gold is incomplete," this is true, I think the same about the gold one: "as long as they are, after all gold is shining." It is necessary to sharpen our eyes, is to distinguish between internal or external payment of the deposit.
In real life, we do not superficial. Step by step, the solid can be brought to fruition, the Great Leap Forward, grandiose style of eating that is suffered, not high winds. Teaching is the same, opportunistic and do a little trick that looks Fengfenghuohuo teaching is not necessarily a good thing.
"The Merchant of Venice" tell me how to see the world, how to do things, seeking truth is that we adhere to the principle.