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英文翻译According to the United States Department of Energy (USD

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:10:29
According to the United States Department of Energy (USDOE), in 2004 there was a total of 113.6 million residential buildings and almost 5 million commercial buildings that together accounted for 40% of all the energy used within the country and 72% of all electricity (USDOE, 2005, pp. 18-22, 134-138). It is estimated that by 2010, another 38 million buildings will be constructed. With these figures alone, one can distinguish the significant impacts of buildings on the U.S. environment. In addition, the USDOE reports that in the same year, buildings accounted for:
38% of greenhouse gas emissions
52% of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions
19% of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions
40% of raw materials use
30% of waste output (136 million tons annually)
12% of fresh water supplies
88% of potable water supplies (USDOE, 2005, pp. 18-22, 29–31, 134–136, 159–160)
According to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data, buildings actually account for almost half (48%) of all U.S. energy consumption, with 21 % coming from the residential sector and 17 % from the commercial arena (US EIA, 2007).Of that 48 %, the vast majority of the consumed energy (40%) is from the operation of buildings while the other 8 % is the embodied energy or that which goes into their construction. The operation of buildings accounts for 76 % of all U.S. power plant-generated electricity. In addition, despite the popular belief that the transportation sector is responsible for the highest level of emissions, it is in fact buildings that are the biggest contributor to global warming (US EIA, 2007).
据美国能源部( USDOE ) , 2004年共有一万一千三百六点零万住宅楼宇,几乎5百万商业楼宇,它们合起来占40 %的能源使用国, 72 %的电力( USDOE , 2005年,页. 18-22 , 134-138 ) .据估计,到2010年,另一三千八百点○○万将建造建筑物.与这些数字本身,我们可以区分重大影响的建筑物,美国的环境.此外, USDOE报告说,在同一年中,建筑物占:
  38 %的温室气体排放量
  52 %的二氧化硫(二氧化硫)排放量
  19 %的氮氧化物(氮氧化物)的排放量
  40 %的原料使用
  30 %的废物输出(一万三千六点零零万吨每年)
  12 %的淡水供应
  88 %的饮用水的供应( USDOE , 2005年,页. 18-22 , 29-31 , 134-136 , 159-160 )
据美国能源情报署( EIA )数据,建筑物实际上占了将近一半( 48 % )的美国能源消耗, 21 %来自住宅部门和17 %的商业舞台上(美国环境影响评估, 2007年) .在, 48 % ,绝大多数的能源消耗( 40 % )是由建筑物的运作,而其他8 %是体现能源或那些进入他们的建设.建筑物的运作占76 %的美国所有发电厂发电.此外,尽管普遍认为,交通部门负责为最高级别的排放量,事实上,它是建筑,是最大的贡献者全球变暖(美国环境影响评估, 2007年) .