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英语综合填空In 2000 the Chinese novelist Gao Xingjian won the Nobl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 04:42:58
In 2000 the Chinese novelist Gao Xingjian won the Noble Prize for listerature (诺贝尔文学奖) .He was the first Chinese (1)w_____ to win the world's most important literary prize .It is said that (2)h_____ work has opened new ways for the Chinese novel .
Gao was born in 1940 in Jiangxi Province,Eastern China .His father worked in a bank and his mother was an (3)a_____ .She encouraged Gao's interests in the theater .
When he left school ,Gao studied French at the Department of France Languagues in Beijing .After he (4)g_____ bfrom college ,he left China to live and work in France in 1987 .(5)S_____ that time he has worked (6)a_____ a translator ,theater director and novelist .His most (7)f_____ work is the novel “Soul Mountain(灵山)”.The story (8)h_____ in thw Chinese countryside .And the novel has been turned into (9)d_____ languages .
The Nobel Prizes are given to the (10)w_____ by the Swedish King every year on December 10th ,the anniversary of Nobel's death in 1986.
1)writer 2)his 3)actress 4)graduated 5)Since 6)as 7)famous
8)happened 9)different 10)writers