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英语翻译MMORPGs are a new class of Multi-User Domains (MUDs) - o

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 03:20:37
MMORPGs are a new class of Multi-User Domains (MUDs) - online environments where multiple users can interact with each other and achieve structured goals.The first MUD - an adventure game in a persistent world that allowed multiple users to log on at the same time - was created in 1979 by Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle.While it is commonly thought that MUDs descended from table-top role-playing games (RPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons,the two genres emerged around the same time and co-evolved beginning in the early 70’s and became popular during the 80’s.Both games allow users to create characters based on numerical attributes (ie.Strength,dexterity,intelligence) and templated roles (ie.Warrior,Cleric,Druid) with different strengths and weaknesses.Game-play typically revolved around a combination of interactive story-telling and logistical optimizations under the guise of slaying monsters and attaining higher levels and skills.In RPGs,a designated Game Master controlled the outcome of events based on dice-rolls and references to charts and tables.In MUDs,this is controlled by the server.
As the graphical and processing capabilities of the modern personal computer increased,and as accessibility to the Internet became widely available,it became possible in the early 90’s to build MUDs with graphical front-ends.Ultima Online,launched in 1997,is recognized to be the first MMORPG – a persistent,graphical,online environment that allowed thousands of users to be logged on at the same time.The number of active users that Ultima Online could support was what distinguished MMORPGs from existing graphical MUDs.The second MMORPG,EverQuest,launched in 1999,quickly achieved a sustained user base of 400,000 and remains the most popular MMORPG in North America as of 2004 even though at least 10 competing MMORPGs have emerged since then.
希望语言通顺,没有错句 不要用翻译工具之类的 如果那样我也能翻译 小弟英语不好希望大家帮帮忙
MMORPG游戏是一个多用户域(的MUD)新类 - 在线环境下,多个用户可以互相交流,实现结构化的目标.第一泥 - 在一个持久的世界,让多个用户登录在同一时间的冒险游戏 - 成立于1979年由Roy Trubshaw和理查德巴特尔.虽然人们普遍认为的MUD从桌面式角色扮演游戏,如龙与地下城,这两个流派(RPG游戏)的后裔出现大约在同一时间,共同发展在70年代初开始,成为在80年代的流行.这两款游戏允许用户创建基于数值属性的字符(即强度,敏捷,智力)和模板的作用与不同的长处和短处(即战士,牧师,德鲁伊).游戏玩通常围绕一个互动讲故事和后勤优化下杀死怪物的幌子,实现更高水平和技能的结合旋转.在火箭榴弹,指定游戏主控制了事件的结果对骰子滚动图表和表格,并参考依据.在的MUD,这是由服务器控制.
作为现代个人电脑的图形和提高处理能力,并作为进入因特网成为广泛使用,它在90年代初成为可能的建立与图形化前端的MUD.创世纪网络,在1997年推出,被公认为第一的MMORPG - 一个持久的,图形化,网络环境,使成千上万的用户要记录在同一时间.活动用户数创世纪网络能够支持现有的区别是什么图形化的MUD MMORPG游戏.第二的MMORPG,无尽的任务,在1999年推出,迅速实现了持续40万用户基础和北美仍然是最受欢迎的MMORPG,截至2004年,尽管至少有10 MMORPG游戏的竞争此后出现.