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首字母填空:1.In the m______ of the city,there is a big shopping m

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 06:11:49
1.In the m______ of the city,there is a big shopping mall.
2.On my way to school yesterday,I frond a wallet l_____ on the road,I picked it up and gave it to my head teacher.
3.The students in our class raised some money for the children from poor a ______.
4.I haven't eaten anything this morning.So I don't feel h_____ now.
5.I think your bedroom is very c______.
6.I and you both will have t______ birthdays next week.
How to spend pocket
1,middle 2,lying 3,area 4,hungry 5,clean 6,two
How to spend pocket money意思是:你将如何使用你的零花钱?