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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:50:36
作为最初层的认识,首先是BEAT-BOX的解释.BEAT-BOX全称HUMAN BEATBOX.HUMAN中文是人类的意思.BEAT是敲击的意思,而BOX是盒子、箱子的意思,顾名思义BEAT-BOX就是人发出敲击盒子的声音.
最早的BEAT-BOX创始于美国黑人.因为穷,买不起鼓和乐器,但又热衷于音乐,于是研究开创了用嘴做声音出来,是VOCAL PERCUSSION的一种.其实BEAT-BOX跟中国的口技很相似,只是融入了HIPHOP元素,以架子鼓、爵士鼓的形式表现出来.更加以HIPHOP节奏,随后也加入了DJ搓碟、机械音、怪兽音等音效.
This is a new HIPHOP element,the element is not public knowledge,only a small part of the circulation.The real popular time only less than a decade.I want to in-depth introduction to the people around them understand the new things people have to love this new element around.
As a first layer of understanding,first of all BEAT-BOX interpretation.BEAT-BOX full name of the HUMAN BEATBOX.HUMAN Chinese human meaning.BEAT is a percussion means,and BOX is a box,the box means,by definition BEAT-BOX is to issue a percussion sound box.
The earliest established in African Americans BEAT-BOX.Because the poor can not afford drums and musical instruments,but keen on music,then do research to create a voice out through your mouth,is a VOCAL PERCUSSION.In fact BEAT-BOX ventriloquist with China is similar,but integrated into the HIPHOP element to drums,bass drums of the forms.More to HIPHOP rhythm,then joined the DJ rubbing plate,mechanical sounds,monster sounds and other sound effects.
BBOX There are three basic sound,KICK,HI-HAT and SNARE.KICK is the drums in the drum,HI-HAT is a cymbal,which is what we usually point cymbals,SNARE is the snare drum.Sound can be three different combinations to form different rhythm,4BEAT,8BEAT,16BEAT and 24BEAT.Drums are also many different kinds of them,ordinary drum,hum drum sounds,electronic drums and so on.Snare drum is divided into spray,suction,squeeze-type and so on.In addition to the three basic sounds,there are many special sound,like rubbing plate,spring tongue,BASS sounds,mechanical sounds,monster sounds and so on.
BBOX focus JAM,JAM was not jam here,but rather the improvisation,attention to performance is the highest level arbitrary.The rhythm is not good or bad,BBOX accompaniment while RAP and hip-hop,street culture that is the charm.