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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:21:30
Dear Maria,
Everyone has his favorite stars and there's nothing wrong with that.I understand you._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your future is in your hands.
Best wishes!
Li Ming
再问: 你写出来就有,10~20个
再答: DearMaria, Everyone has his favorite stars and there,s nothing wrong with that. I understand you .there must exist many reasons that you love the star so much.I think you must find something special in your favorite star.maybe you can learn how to become stong girl.you really can learn lots of from you favarite star .but every coin has its own side.you shoul considerate the bad effet of your favorite star. does the star made a great effet on your study? as your best friend I m going to give you some suggestions.you can read some masterpiece book when you can,t help to miss your favorite star.you should tell yourself to study hardly ,then you will have the chance to meeting with your favorite star.
写一篇英语作文;你的好朋友sam写信告诉你他的困惑,他迷恋上一位影视女星,反复观看她的电影,并给她寄了 一篇英语作文.80词你的笔友Maria昨天给你写了一封e-mail,像你诉说她和好友之间发生地矛盾,相处很不愉快,希望你 一篇英语小作文,Emily刚结交了一位笔友Sally,她想写信向sally介绍一下她的家庭成员(称呼、姓名、年龄),请帮 假设你是李平,老师介绍了一位英国的笔友,请你把年龄现状兴趣爱好等写信告诉他希望他尽快回信的英语作文 写一篇英语作文,假如你是Martin,你的笔友Sara写信给你,并且告诉你她经常生病,而且觉得很沮丧 英语作文:给你的英国笔友苏珊写信.告诉她,你非常感谢她上次在信中寄给你的英国邮票.你很喜欢它们.你告诉苏 英语作文 假如你是李华 你的好朋友苏丹前不久 随父母去了美国他写信告诉你她不适应美国的校园生活 他的姐姐经常给她的笔友Maria写信 用英语怎么说 跪求英语作文你的笔友Kate昨天给你写了一封e-mail,向你诉说他她与好友之间发生了矛盾,相处很不愉快,希望你能帮助她 英语作文:发一封电子邮件给你的笔友,告诉他(她)你的兴趣爱好. 给你的外国笔友写信,告诉她你的暑假生活情况 英语书面表达 英语作文VII.作文.给你的朋友写一封信,告诉他/她,你很忙,你做了很多事,如:读书,写信,打扫房子,浇花,洗衣服,上网