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英语翻译文章如下:first i must say the general manager of baidu is ve

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 04:19:14
first i must say the general manager of baidu is very potential,and very clever,he know take advantage everyone's merits to help him add more money.what a man!i envy him very much ,but i envy his wife more.
now i answer your question
jane eyre is an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved,a ppr,plain,little governess who dares to love hemaster,a man superio to her in many ways,and even is brave enough to declare to the man her love for him
1 it is the most popular novele of the victorian age
2it is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society,e.g.the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions such as lowood school
3ot traxes the passionate love betweenjane wyer and rochester
4the success of it is also duo to its introduction to the english novel the first governess heroine ,jane eyre
5 in the novel charlotte shape s a completely new woman image,a woman with the spirit of independence and self-dignity
6the novel is a song of women'struggle for recogniton of their basic rights and equality as a human being
首先我必须说百度的总经理是很有潜力的,并且非常聪明,他知道如何利用每个人的价值去帮他赚更多的钱.多NX的人啊!我可嫉妒他啦,但是我更嫉妒他老婆.[这说的是啥跟啥````````= =]
简 爱是一个有着如火一般激情的孤儿,她渴望爱与被爱.一个贫穷[ppr?],朴素,小小的家庭教师害怕爱上她的雇主[?hemaster],一个在许多方面都远超于她的男人[superior少了一个r],即便是足够勇敢向他表白她对他的爱.
1 这是维多利亚时期最出名的小说
2 它因它对那个现行社会的尖锐的批评而著名 例如:罗尔德孤儿院就像是慈善机构的宗教式伪善
3 对简 爱与罗切斯特激昂的爱的详细描写[?ot traxes不知道神马意思````= =]
4 它的成功同时也由于[due to 不是duo to= =]它是英文小说介绍中第一本以家庭教师为女主角的小说,
5 在小说中人物性格是一个完全崭新的女人形象,一个拥有着独立性和自尊的女人
6 这部小说是女人认识到她们的基本权利并为像他人一样拥有平等而奋斗的一篇颂歌[recognition少了一个i``````````]
终于翻完了= = 好多错别词`````````````话说LZ你是看了这个贴么```````
再问: 对的
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