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英语翻译It's not easy being a kid these days — the lines between

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:45:22
It's not easy being a kid these days — the lines between right and wrong can get awfully fuzzy.How can we help children see the difference?Karen Bohlin has a few ideas.She's the assistant director of the Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character at Boston University in Massachusetts,and co-author of the new book Building Character in Schools:Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life.We talked with her about what it takes to raise and educate "good kids."
Question:What is good character?
Karen Bohlin:Character is who you are — your essential person,not just how you behave or how you appear.As my co-author Kevin Ryan puts it,the simple definition of a person with "good" character is someone who 'knows the good,loves the good,and does the good' — habitually,not just once in a while when he's in front of a camera or his boss.
Question:Do you have to learn to be a person of good character?
Bohlin:Sure.We're all born with different tendencies and temperaments.Some of us might be more melancholy,some might be more cheerful,some more social.But character is definitely something we can build through good habits.It's very easy to fall into bad habits,but it takes a lot of effort to be generous or hard-working all the time.You need to teach children to share,to put their toys away,to smile,to say please.Otherwise they'd be habitually self-centered.
Question:Whose job is it to instill good character in kids?
Bohlin:Parents are the primary moral educators of their children.There is no question about that.Even if they are traveling a lot or both working outside of the home,they have the moral and civic responsibility.But schools take up a lot of children's time,and unfortunately some children spend more time with their teachers and their classmates than they do with their parents and siblings.School is also a little world unto itself.Kids can learn on the playground the rules of survival and cruelty,or they can learn how to play fair and have fun.
Question:How should a school go about teaching character?
Bohlin:A great way to start is for a school to come together as a community:faculty,custodians,administrators,parents,older students,and local business people.The conversation should begin with the questions:What do we stand for?What kinds of people would we like our children to become?You also have to look at the whole climate of the school:Is it welcoming?Is it safe?Look for the intangibles:Are kids smiling?Do the faculty and students hold doors for each other?
如今作为一个小孩子颇为不易—因为认识对错之间的分界线不那么明显.那么怎样帮助孩子们认清楚对错两者之间的不同呢?Karen Bohlin对此有几点建议.Karen Bohlin是马萨诸塞州波士顿大学道德与性格发展中心的副主任.也是新书《学校中塑造性格:生活道德教育的几种实用方法》的合著者.我们同她就怎样培养“好孩子”的问题进行了一次谈话.
Karen Bohlin:性格是指你是谁——是一个人的本质,不仅仅是你的外在表现.正如我的合著者Kevin Ryan所说,某个人有“好”的性格,是说这个人知道什么是好的,热爱好的事物,做好的事—而且要以此为习惯,而不仅仅是在照相机前或者是老板面前表现的那一小会.
Karen Bohlin:当然.我们都有与生俱来的性格倾向和性情特点.有些人可能更倾向忧郁,有些人更乐观,还有些人更喜欢交际.但是性格一定可以通过好的习惯来塑造的.尽管人们非常容易形成不好的习惯,但是要在任何时候都实现慷慨和勤奋,就需要通过巨大的努力来完成.如果孩子们是出于习惯而以自我为中心,你就需要教他们学会分享,教导他们把玩具扔掉,教导他们去微笑,去说“请”.
Karen Bohlin:家长是给孩子们道德教育的启蒙老师.这毫无疑问.即使你经常外出或是在外工作,孩子们也仍然有受道德教育的公民权利.但是,学校占据了孩子们很多的时间,孩子们和父母兄弟姐妹们共处的时间远不及和老师同学在一起的时间多.对于孩子们来说,学校也是一个小世界.他们可以在操场上学习生存竞争的残酷规则,也可以学习怎样公平开心地玩耍.
Karen Bohlin:学校开始教育的好办法是大家走到一起来,形成一个团体:由教师、管理人、管理员、家长、高年级的学生,以及当地商人组成.他们的对话应由此开始:我们代表什么?我们想要我们的孩子成为什么样的人?同时也要观察整个学校的氛围:这个学校是热情好客的吗?安全吗?再寻找一些无形的东西:孩子们的表情是微笑的吗?师生之间互相为对方保留余地吗?
hold the door 应来源于leave the door open,指双方有讨论的空间,保留余地.