作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:47:05
1、Hardly had a moment passed______the door was broken open and the three burglars rushed into the house.
a.when b.after c.before d.since
2.He is welcome to the gathering,_____ he behaves himself.
a.provided that b.so that c.in case d.in that case
3.She dropped her coffee cup and watched it _______small pieces on the kitchen floor.
a.turning into b.shaping into c.dividing into d.smashing into
Hardly had a moment passed before...:几乎没经过多少时间就...,即“没多大工夫,就”
2.A.provided that
provided that:只要,表示前提.题中,表现良好是可以参加聚会的前提条件,所以选A
3.D.smashing into
smash:(不及物动词)打破、打碎;smash into pieces:摔成碎片
再问: 不好意思,第一题答案上是a。
再答: 呃,第一眼看到before了。。。的确选when也是对的。这题A,C都是对的。 hardly ... when 和 hardly ... before是相同的,请看朗文词典对hardly的词条解释: 3 used to say that something has only just happened: The building work has hardly begun. hardly ... when/before She had hardly sat down when the phone rang. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/hardly
再问: 唔。那hardly ... when/before有用法上有什么区别吗? 第三题为什么不能选A呢?
再答: hardly ... when/before完全没有区别。 第三题,严格来说turn into不是不行,和smash into只是描述上的不同。正如汉语所说,是说“咖啡杯掉在地上变成碎片”好呢,还是说“咖啡杯掉在地上摔成碎片”更好呢?显然后者更生动贴切。