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英语翻译1.我搞不清什么地方出了错,因为我觉得我们一直相处的很好.I ______figure out what wen

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:55:45
1.我搞不清什么地方出了错,因为我觉得我们一直相处的很好.I ______figure out what went wrong because i think we have always________.2.中国羽毛球运动员很高兴能有机会在奥林匹克运动会上和著名的世界强手争夺冠军.The Chinese badminton plqyers enjoyed the chances_________the goldmedal at the ________.3.迈克正在和朋友电话聊天,突然听到有人喊他.Michael ______he heard someone calling hin.4.人们希望克里斯托夫·里夫的事迹和经历能影响越来越多的年轻人勇敢的和困难做斗争.It is hoped that the stories of Christopher Reeve _________more and more young people ______their ploblems.5.自从改进了学习方法,他的英语水平提高很快,他也变的越来越自信了.He _________since he _________his way of learning.
1 i can not figure out what went wrong because i think we have always got along well with each other.2The Chinese badminton plqyers enjoyed the chances to compete with the goldmedal at the Olympic games3 Michael was chatting with his friend when he heard someone calling him4 It is hoped that the stories of Christopher Reeve can encourage more and more young people to fight against their ploblems5 He has been more confident and his english has been improved rapidly since he improved his way of learning 希望你采纳