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填补单词A:May l use your bike, please?B:Yes, of course, but for

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:19:40
A:May l use your bike, please?
B:Yes, of course, but for 1___ long?
A:Just one or two hours.
B:OK, Here's the key.2___ the way, where do you have to go now?
A:To the railway station to3_____ a friend of mine.
B:what time will the 4____ arrive ?
A:Just twelve fifteen.
B:Oh my watch says five to twelve.
A:Really? l've got only twenty5____left then. l must be off now.
1____ 2____ 3_____ 4____ 5_____
1 how
2 By
3 see
4 train
5 minutes