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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 07:21:10
1、Plants Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot do so. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to live. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of plants. Some plants are large while others are small. Most plants are green. There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems①, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits. Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and fungi. You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you. Most plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores. Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new plants. 2、仙人掌 A cactus (plural: cacti or cactuses) is any member of the spine plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also includes members like beets, baby's breath, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass. Cacti are distinctive and unusual plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have expanded into green succulent structures containing the chlorophyll necessary for life and growth, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar. 3、I love flowers. Taoyuan love that the Peach movie, it left me with a lot of pink flowers dream world. An opportunity, I saw the spring sea-winter jasmine. It was a spring morning, we came to a mountain, in the misty white fog, I seem to see many small stars. go, a vast expanse of flowers appear in the eyes, to look from afar, and this is an immense ocean. Occasionally, it was after, as the clouds drift over the people feel that this is how to spend the mysterious ocean. I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows. Looking down from the peak, only an immense display. full of golden-yellow flowers, Down on the ground, not for the intoxicated with the beauty of nature, this beautiful paradise like the Garden of Paradise. Suddenly, a cold wind blowing, I began to tremble , and winter jasmine, it seems a soldier, is to resist the wind, the yellow flowers with a sword, and the wind is it a duel! I was怔住this scene, the winter jasmine as appears to be weak, so delicate, and in the cold before they are without fear. They really tenacious vitality ah! 我爱花。爱那一片片桃园中的桃花,那给我留下了许多粉红色梦的花的世界。   一次机会,我看到了春天的迎春花海。那是一个初春的早上,我们来到了一座山前,在白蒙蒙的浓雾中,我仿佛看见了无数小星星。雾散去了,一片茫茫花海出现在眼前,向远方看去,这真是一片无边无际的海洋。偶尔有人经过,像从云上飘荡而过,让人感到这花的海洋是多么神秘。   我漫步向山顶走去,身边的花儿们密密麻麻,开满枝头,花枝纵横交错,好像一排排栅栏。从山顶向下望去,只见一片无边无际的花海。漫山遍野开满了金黄色的小花,身临其境,不能不为这大自然的美丽陶醉,这美丽的仙境真像天堂中的花园。   突然,一阵寒风吹过,我开始瑟瑟发抖,而迎春花呢,好像一名战士,正在抵御着寒风,拿着花组成的黄色宝剑,正在和寒风决斗呢!我被这场面怔住了,迎春花看起来是那样弱小,那么娇嫩,而在寒风面前它们却毫不畏惧。   它们的生命力真顽强啊!
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