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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 04:19:36
求帮忙翻译成 英文 谢谢【大学是学日语的 伤不起啊23333
标题打错了 是 汉译英 233333 求英语熟练的大大
Since twenty-first Century, our country university enrollment began, the number
of university graduates is a rising trend, but a short span of ten years, the
number of graduates has grown to nearly seven times the original number. These
figures have attracted wide attention from all sectors of society. As the number
increases year by year, these factors have great influence on College Students'
employment outlook, outlook although generally tend to be pragmatic and rational
choice, but because they are in a period of transition of the conception of
employment, therefore various traditional idea also has a great influence on
college students employment. At present, according to the domestic university
graduates employment situation at present, its main characteristics are mainly
shown in graduation postselection employment first selection, they will choose
what kind of employment units, they just tend to professional counterparts,
their self consciousness which aspects. The choosing profession view from the
influencing factors of college students, we score into 3 parts: school factors,
social factors, individual factors. Change the existing defects of professional
and market demand imbalance which, with unreasonable requirements of employers
and the economy development, the students themselves in when choosing to pay and
the unit of high expectations, lack of ability to influence the employment
outlook. Therefore, in order to help students better employment, should not only
rely on the school work guidance and training, and to rely on the community to
provide more employment opportunities, encourage students to the grassroots
level and go west. But I must learn to adjust themselves and students to improve
their basic skills, keep optimistic attitude.
英语翻译近几年来,我国未成年人犯罪呈不断上升趋势,未成年人作为一种特定主体,其刑事犯罪在当前各类案件当中已占有相当程度的 英语翻译,“在二十世纪八十年代,电话开始进入中国的许多家庭” 英语翻译摘要二十一世纪是信息化的时代,第三产业在各国的比重不断上升,特别是服务业,信息服务业成为21世纪的主导产业,这导 二十世纪九十年代以来世界经济全球化趋势得到加强的因素有哪些 英语翻译改革开放以来,中国经济实现了日新月异的发展,现在我国举国上下又在为建设和谐社会而努力奋斗着.同时随着二十一世纪全 英语翻译摘要:存货计价方法的研究迫在眉头,二十世纪以来,随着我国与国际会计的接轨,市场经济的发展,会计制度日益完善.存货 英语翻译自改革开放以来,中国经济经历了持续十几年的高速增长,随着经济开放的不断扩大,我国国内市场已经成为国际市场的重要组 高二历史:二十世纪九十年代以来,世界多极化趋势加强指的是?(具体点,谢谢!) 英语翻译中学毕业后,许多年轻人已经选择直接进入劳动力.大多数的学生有机会,不过,决定去上大学之前找工作(他们大学获得更多 英语翻译八十年代以来,世界一些发达国家纷纷投入智能交通系统(ITS)的研究与开发,并已形成二十一世纪交通运输系统的发展方 2010年中国的应届毕业生人数有多少 英语翻译20世纪80年代以来,中国金融改革不断深化,在短短20年里取得了长足的发展,基本形成了市场化的金融体系,在这个过