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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:29:36
pls ,i rellyyyyy dont want google translate or you dao or .thank you so much!
Debussy was studying in Paris Conservatoire and trained in the Classical European tradition,however he broke the traditional stereotypes,explored new areas and developed his own musical language.德彪西受到过很多人的影响,他去过很多沙龙,最有名的是马拉美的‘星期二’沙龙,在那里结交了许多年轻的诗人,评论家,音乐家,画家.他们一起探讨创作心得,感受.他被这样的生活和文化圈子深深吸引,并学习到很多新的ideas,他参加过巴黎世博会Paris Expo,异族的音乐作品中所运用到的五声音阶12 five-tone equal temperament,新颖的和声与独特的节奏,使其深受启发.他将这些创作手法运用到自己的音乐中,结合法国本土音乐,渐渐综合了象征主义文学和印象主义绘画的思想和特点,形成了一种非常独特的音乐学派—Debussysme.
Not all the works of Debussy accord with impressionism. His creating career can be divided into three periods: In the first or early period, the romantic features could be found, such as the focus on melodic lines, more high-lightened lines than colors, traditional subjects and harmony were still very important. The richful colors and wondering, nebulous feelings weren't strong enough. During this period, Debussy was more or less influenced by Gounod, Massenet, 德李波(该人名不确定),Thomas, while he much adored Wagner's music,whose features can be found in some of his works. The works that accord with romantic style include.