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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 17:59:27
假设你是李华。最近,你校学生会组织开展了“构建低碳校园”活动。请你围绕“节约资源,低碳生活”的主题,根据以下提示,用英语写一封倡议书, 呼吁大家行动起来。
Dear fellow students,
Our school advocates that we should build a low-carbon campus in order to protect the earth.
Li Hua

Dear fellow students,

Our school advocates that we should build a low-carbon campus in order to protect the earth.

I think it is everyone’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. Here is what I think we should do. First of all, we should walk or ride bikes instead of riding in cars or school buses to reduce the amount of pollution. Secondly, when we eat the food in the school cafeteria, we should eat up what we buy and not waste the food. Thirdly, it is important for us to save electricity and water. We should not leave the lights on in the daytime or leave water running after washing. Instead, we should turn off lights as soon as we leave the classroom and dormitories.

In a word, if we can make small changes in our way of life, we can make a big difference to the earth! Dear fellow students, let’s start right now and spare no effort to do every little thing we can from now on!

Li Hua

3.英语作文,假如你叫李华,是校学生会主席.最近你校学生会发起了一项名为“杜绝校园浪费,提倡低碳生活”的主题活动,要求同 高一英语书面表达假如你是李明,是你校学生会主席.请你以“低碳生活,从我做起”为主题,根据下面所给出的要点提示,用英语给全 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Chris给你发来e_mail,询问你校开展的“低碳生活的活动情况.请用根据图画... 英语作文!假如你是李华,最近和你的网友S usan聊起你的低碳生活.请你根据提示把你的习惯做法 英语作文假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建平安校园的活动.你们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇150字左右的发言稿 假如你是学生会主席李华,你校学生会要组织一次二手图书展销活动.请你用英语根据以下表格中的内容写一... 假如你是李华,是学校学生会主席,请你以低碳生活为主题,写一篇作文, 假如你是利华你参加了上周学生会组织的社会实践活动根据提示用英语作文 帮忙写扁英语作文上周日你们学校组织了一次志愿者活动假设你是李华请你根据以下提示内容写一封信 1 阳光中学准备举办“绿色生活”主题活动,假如你是学生会主席,请用英语写一篇报道,号召大家节约能源,低碳出行。 假设你是李华, 是某中学的学生。 请你围绕“建设节约型社会, 从我做起”的主题,根据下面所给的要点提示,用英语给全国的中 跪求这篇英语短文!假如你是李华,你校正在开展主题为【节约资源,从身边做起】的环保活动.请根据以下要点,写一篇120词左右