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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/04 09:10:02
If one day in the future,I could live on another planet(行星),I would like to live with my dear parents and my cherished(珍爱的) friends since parents are my spiritual(心灵上) support and friends are my soulmates(知音).I can't imagine a life without them.On that planet,we might plant food by ourselves everyday and play with other animals.On that planet,there would never be any war.We just enjoyed our peaceful and harmonious(和谐) life there.What a beautiful picture!
再问: 非常感谢您的 答案,不过我是高中的,需要更多字数的作文,还有我的文章中要有在新的星球生活时的语言,城市,交通等方面的内容,可以麻烦你再帮我写写吗