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英语在线回答Trees are useful to man in there very important ways:t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:51:43
Trees are useful to man in there very important ways:they give us wood and other products,they give us shade,and the most important of all,they help to prevent droughts and floods.
In many parts of the world,however,people have not realized the important of trees to them.
Two thousand years ago,a rich and powerful country cut down its tree to build its warships,with which it gained itself an empire.It gained the empire,but without its trees,its soil became hard and poor.When the empire fell into pieces,the home country found itself faced by floods and hunger.
Even when a government realizes the importance of forests,it is difficult for it to make villagers see this.The villagers want wood to cook their food,and they can earn money by making things or selling wood to the town people.They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees.So unless the government does something to control,and also to educate the people,the forests will slowly disappear.
( )1.The most important service of trees is that_____.
A.they help people to get rich
B.they provide people with shade
C.they help to prevent droughts and floors
D.they can be used to build warships
( )2.The empire fell into pieces because_____.
A.it had lost all of its warships
B.it couldn't provide its people with enough money
C.it didn't ask people to plant many trees
D.its people couldn't make a living
( )3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Many people haven't realized the important of forests.
B.The government should do something to protect the forests.
C.The empire became rich and strong with its powerful warships.
D.People often don't take good care of the new trees they have planted.
( )4.The forests will disappear if_____.
A.the government realizes the importance of the forests
B.the villagers realizes the importance of the forests
C.the government doesn't do something to control or to educate the people
D.the villagers don't cut trees down to make money
( )5.The writer's purpose in writing the text is_____.
A.to give us adivce on how to protect forests
B.to tell the story of the empire two thousand years ago
C.to call on people to do something to protect forests
D.to tell the people to plant as many trees as possible
两千多年前,一位富裕和强大的国家减少其树建军舰,它本身就是一种获得帝国它获得帝国,但没有它的树,其土壤变得坚硬,可怜的. 当帝国就成了碎片,发现自己面临国内洪水和饥饿.
甚至当一个政府意识到了森林的重要性,它是困难的,因为它使村民们看到这. 村民们要木做饭,他们可以赚到钱让事物或出售木材到城镇的人他们通常是懒惰的植物,或是太不小心照顾新树因此,除非政府也有所控制,并对教育人民、森林会慢慢消失.