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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 02:12:05
(1)求职信(Letters of Applying for a Job)
引言:I am writing to apply forthe post of... advertised in...
In answer to your advertisementin... for the post of... , I would like to apply for...
I have learned from... (sb) ofyour opening/vacancy for... (job), and am therefore writing to apply for thepost.
发展:I am now a senior studentin (Department) of (University), and I expect to graduate in (date) with adegree in (discipline).
I receive my (degree) in (subject) from (name of university) in(date).
Since graduation, I have beenworking with (name of company/organization) as (job title)
I was awarded the prize of (title)in (month/year) for (eg. good performance in etc.)
I am confident that my academictraining has prepared me to handle the job.
结尾:Enclosed are testimonialsfrom my university teacher and my present employer.
If these meet your requirements,please grant me an interview.
(2)辞职信(Letters of Resignation)
正式的辞职信应具备以下要素: a)受理者恰当的称呼; b)辞职决定及其理由(如:未受公司重用或尊重,健康、家庭或个人原因,另觅一份更适合自己的工作等); c)缓和气氛的语句,如对原单位所给予工作机会以及提供的工作经历表示感谢,对因自己辞职而给对方带来的不便表示歉意,表达对原单位的良好祝愿等等.
称呼:Dear Mr. Smith
辞职决定和理由: With regret, I amwriting to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.
I hereby confirm in writing myresignation from ABC Company because of family reasons.
缓和语气的话:I would like toexpress my sincere gratitude and thanks for all the support that I havereceived over the last few weeks, and for the enjoyable experience of havingworked for your company.
I hope you will consider myrequest, and I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.
I wish all of you a prosperousfuture
(3)留学和奖学金申请信(Letters of Applying for Admittance and Scholarship)
a) 申请该学校/奖学金的原因;
b) 使你对某个专业产生兴趣的学术背景和训练;
c) 工作经验;
d) 能证明你潜能的研究;
e) 未来职业计划.
I am a student in... , expectingto graduate with a Bachelor’s degree this summer.
I am interested in... and plan toapply for admission for (time).
I am writing in the hope that I mayobtain an opportunity to further my study in...
I should be pleased to forward mycredentials, such as references, transcripts and photocopies of IELTS scores.
(4)询问信(Letters of Inquiry)
询问信是请求对方提供需要信息的信件.可分三大部分:引言部分自我介绍并讲明询问目的.发展部分是询问的主要内容,如果包括多个方面,为了让对方一目了然,也便于回答,在内容的安排上应简明扼要,可以用数字列出具体问题,如first, second, third或1、2、3.结尾部分真诚地感谢对方.
引言:As a student at...university, I am preparing for...
Your answers to the questionsbelow would help me...
As we are particularly interested in..., we should be grateful if you would kindly...
发展:Could you please send methe relevant information and application form?
结尾:Your answer willcontribute to my project.
I would appreciate receiving youranswer by... ( time ).
引言:I am returning... which I boughtfrom your store in... (time).
I must complain about...
发展:This has put us to greatinconvenience.
Therefore, I am returning... andwould greatly appreciate if you could replace it.
结尾:We hope that you willunderstand our expectation of the compensation for our damaged goods.
I would be grateful if this matterwould have your immediate attention.
Having been given your excellentreputation, I am sure you will do everything possible to...
建议信的内容一般包括:1)提出亟待解决的问题;2) 分析造成问题的原因;3)提出解决办法.
提出问题:It seems that … (not have desired effects, not have obtained thefull attention; be not satisfactory/ perfect; have harmful/ deadly/serious/negative effects)
I am…(deeply/ really/ seriously/ terribly/greatly) concerned / worried / sad /confused about…
分析原因:Currently, … especially … ;Therefore,… ;This leads to…; one of the factors is …;
It isunderstood that if…it will….
提出解决方法:In order to combat the growing problem of… , … should reduce/increase/ ensure…; I think it would be more beneficial if you could….; I thinkit would be helpful to….
表达歉意:There’s no excuse for … I forgot to ….
I amindeed very sorry for …, but believe I had no intention to…
Here is mydeepest apology for ...
Pleaseforgive me for …
解释苦衷:The fact is that I had …/ Unfortunately I …/ I had asmall accident …/ I have some urgent business to deal with Mybehavior yesterday was inexcusable, and I must tell you how …
请求原谅提出补救方法:I want you to know how badly feel about… and to assure you that itwill not happen again.
I realizethat particular… is irreplaceable, but I hope you will use the enclosed checkto purchase a similar one.
I hopethis situation can be mended to everyone’s satisfaction.
I can onlyhope you will forgive … on my part.
感谢信的目的是感激对方为自己的付出,感激之情要传达得真挚自然,不要刻意夸大.感谢信所涉及的考研辅导班内容多种多样,比如可以感谢对方替自己做了一件事情,在自己痛苦时安慰了自己,出席了自己的宴会等等.其内容包括:1)表达感激之情2)回顾事情的经过 3)肯定对方帮助的价值以及对自己的影响,表达自己回报的愿望.
表达感激之情:Thanks so much for…;Abundant thanks to … for…
I’mwriting to express my heartfelt thanks for …
On behalfof my whole family, I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the troubleyou had taken in …I must write to thank you for inviting me to…
肯定对方帮助的价值及影响:You will never know how much we appreciated your kind and practicalhelp. Your …meant more than I can express in words. Nothing can be more precious for me than your…
表达回报的愿望:I hope I can return the favor someday … Do callon me if I can ever return the favor.
再问: 谢谢,但是有没有什么相关的复习计划呢?希望能针对我的问题回答~
再答: 写作是最能提分的,阅读也很重要,所以这个都送给你,祝好运 考研英语阅读理解之主旨题解题之道 教育部考试中心颁布的考研英语大纲明确规定:考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作相关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。对所读材料,考生应能: 1) 理解主旨要义; 2) 理解文中的具体信息; 3) 理解文中的概念性含义; 4) 进行有关的判断、推理和引申; 5) 根据上下文推测生词的含义; 6) 理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系; 7) 理解作者的意图、观点或态度; 8) 区分论点和论据。