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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 10:32:30
“Tom总是以一种冷静、客观的态度进行文学创作,事实上,他也是“客观而无动于衷”创作理论的极力倡导者与实践者,反对小说家在作品中表现自己.这种创作习惯是我喜欢Tom及其创作的主要原因.个人认为作家的职责在于通过文学这一途径将真实的社会展现给读者,也仅仅是展现就够了,至于读者怎么理解与判断那便是仁者见仁的事,因为你没有权利强制甚至是诱导我们吻合某种既有的思维过程,而文学最大的魅力正好在于它的张力,抽象化与其说是文学的特点不如说是它的优点,过于具体只会限制读者挖掘更为丰富的内涵,所以说作者一旦过分发挥主动性,读者相应的也就丧失了能动性.如同在《Divine Comedy》中,Dante幻化为现世社会规则的制定者,会时不时突兀的站出来,直白的告诉你应该怎么做,如果违背会受到什么样的惩罚.这种露骨的说教让人倍感不适与厌恶.所以,作家永远只是作家,而不是社会职能部门!”
Tom has always been writing in a calm and objective fashion.In fact,he has been a promoter and practitioner of the "objective and indifferent" creative theory.He is against having authors expressing themselves in their work.I personally believe an author's duty is to bring the real world to readers through writing.While the author is simply expressing,it will be up to the readers to comprehend and to judge.The author does not have the rights to force or to lure us to any particular thought process.One of the biggest attractions of literature is its flexibility.Instead of seeing symbolism as an unique characteristic,it should be seen as an advantage of literary.Making things too concrete will only prevent readers from finding richer meanings,If an author takes all the initiatives,readers will not have the room to fill in the blanks.For example,in "Divine Comedy",Dante appointed himself as the arbitrator of social rules.He stood up often to tell you what you should do,and what punishment will be applied if you don't obey.This explicit preaching felt inappropriate and uncomfortable.Therefore,authors should always be authors,and not social functionaries.