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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/03 14:03:56
1.The 20% discount only ____ club members.
A.applies to B.refers to C.devotes to D.comes to
2.We have always ____ the revolutionary srtuggle of the people all over the world with our own.
A.identified B.named C.recogniazed D.accepted
3.Nowdays,in India,women with independent incomes are refusing to ____ the traditional idea of marriage.
A.submit to B.contribute to C.devote to D.subscribe to
4.Experts say that Longtan hydropower project,China's third largest,will be ____ great help to ____ flood control and improving conditions for shipping.
A./;the B.the;the C.a;the D.a;/
5.It will cost a lot of time.____,I think we shallneed it and will certainly be useful to us ____.
A.What's more;sooner or later B.As a result;now and then C.After all;here and there D.At the same time;more or less
6.I tried to explain the problem to Mary,but she was so angry that she ____ listen.
A.couldn't B.shouldn't C.wouldn't D.might not
7.-Tom spent at least as much time playing games as he ____.
-No wonder there are so many mistakes in his composition.
A.did writing B.wrote C.spent to write D.was writing
8.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ____ January in China.
A.with B.in C.over D.for
9.Human facial expressions differ from those of apes and monkeys in the degree ____ which they can be controlled on purpose.
A.with B.to C.of D.for
1.applies to 意为“适用于……”,而B项虽在英语解释中也有apply to 的意思,但它侧重的是allude to (提及;包括在内).
2.identify 意为 recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing 强调 “识别出;验明身份”.而recognize 则强调“认出”的结果.
3.submit to 指“屈服于;投降”,是“捐助”或“订阅”的意思,也就是出钱给……的意思.
6.wouldn't 表示一种主观情绪,couldn't 指的是“不能够;(想做而)做不到”
7.句中did 指的是spent.替换过来就是……as much time as he spent time writing ……,这是很典型的spend time doing sth 结构的活用形式.
8.本句的意思是:全球变暖将气温提升得相对于一月份的中国来讲偏高了.push 的动作不是在(in)一月份做的,而是对于(for)一月份来说.
9.这要看整句的意思,“人类的面部表情在所能够有意控制到的程度上区别于猿和猴.”这里面含有一个短语control your facial expression to such a degree (将你的面部表情控制到……程度)