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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:42:04
再问: 自己想啊
再答: 1. 甲、乙、丙三人在A、B两块地植树,A地要植900棵,B地要植1250棵.已知甲、乙、丙每天分别能植树24,30,32棵,甲在A地植树,丙在B地植树,乙先在A地植树,然后转到B地植树.两块地同时开始同时结束,乙应在开始后第几天从A地转到B地? 2. 一个圆柱形容器内放有一个长方形铁块.现打开水龙头往容器中灌水.3分钟时水面恰好没过长方体的顶面.再过18分钟水已灌满容器.已知容器的高为50厘米,长方体的高为20厘米,求长方体的底面面积和容器底面面积之比. 3一部书稿,甲单独打字要14小时完成,,乙单独打字要20小时完成.如果甲先打1小时,然后由乙接替甲打1小时,再由甲接替乙打1小时.......两人如此交替工作.那么打完这部书稿时,甲乙两人共用多少小时? 4黄气球2元3个,花气球3元2个,学校共买了32个气球,其中花气球比黄气球少4个,学校买哪种气球用的钱多? 5甲、乙、丙、丁现在的年龄和是64岁.甲21岁时,乙17岁;甲18岁时,丙的年龄是丁的3倍.丁现在的年龄是几岁?
再问: 英语额
再答: 1 J ,Y and B are working in A B , A need to plant 900, B need to be planted 1250 .we know that, they can plant respectively 24,30,32 trees every day, when J is working at A ,B works at B. Meanwhile, Y works at A first ,then she alters to B to help B, they Ultimately they complete it in a same day, starting in a same day as well, the question is after engining, when should Y alter from A to B a tree planting in the A, B to C in tree planting, tree planting in the A before B, then B to go to tree planting. two while simultaneously beginning the end of B should be started after the first few days to get from A to B ? (2) a rectangualr iron in a cylindrical container. Now turn on the tap ,pouring the water to the container .3 minutes later water just cover the surface of the top of the container extactly. Another 18 minutes later the water has filled the container .known that the height of the container 50 cm, 20 cm high rectangular, find the rectangular area and the underside of the container bottom area ratio. 3 a manuscript, A need 14 hours to complete himself, and B separately need 20 hours to complete ; and if A type for 1 hour first, then B take over it for 1 hour, and then from B to play one hour a replacement .... ... they work so alternately. then finish this manuscript, And what is the total of the working hours by this working method. 4 2 yuan 3 yellow balloons, 3 yuan 2flowers balloons , the school bought a total of 32 balloons, balloon which took four fewer than the yellow balloons, which balloons the school use the most money to buy? 5 A, B, C, D, and is now 64 years of age. A 21 years old, B 17; when A was 18 years old, the age of C is 3 times the D What is the age of D now?