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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:47:33
初一71班——我们的第二个家,一个由许许多多爱与心组成的家,我爱它!它既没有华丽的外表也没有绚丽的装点,但它内心充得满满的,满满的…… 我们的火车头——老师,是带着我们前进的动力.他带着我们遨游着知识的海洋,教我们敲开神秘的贝壳,让我们寻找晶莹的珍珠,领我们探索求知的领域……为我们指引通往海洋彼岸的方向,他是我们的良师.而在生活中他们又是我们的益友.在课间里,那些在课堂上俨然一幅绅士摸样的老师们却和我们一起做起了游戏,一起畅谈……和我们的距离是那么的近.老师整天为我们忙碌着,他们停下列走向办公室的脚步,停下了休息的时间而来到我们的身边,老师走了,但留下的是一片整洁,一片暖意,一份思索……我们看着收里的成绩单,面对着整天忙碌的老师,感觉到班级被温暖充的满满的,满满的……五十位同学正如五十株幼苗,在老师的抚育下茁壮的成长着,共同争取阳光雨露,共同经历风吹日晒,共同在枝头结果,五十颗真诚的心,五十颗纯真的心,紧紧团结在一起,共同闪烁着灿烂的光辉!
The first 71 classes -- our second home, one by many love and heart consisting of home, I love it! It has no gorgeous appearance no brilliant embellishment, but its heart and a full, full ... ... Our locomotive -- the teacher, with our motivation. He took us into the ocean of knowledge, teach us open mysterious shell, let us find crystal pearls, brought us exploring knowledge field ... ... To guide us to the sea shore, he is our teacher. But in life they are our good friends. In class, those in the classroom has a gentleman like teachers and we start the game together, discuss together with ... ... And our distance is so near. The teacher all day long for our busy, they stopped to office the following steps, to stop the rest of the time and come to us, the teacher left, but left a tidy, a warmth, a think ... ... We watched the charge in the transcripts, facing the busy all day teacher, feel the class was filled with warm, full of ... ... Fifty classmates as fifty seedling, teachers in the tending of strong growth, work together for the common experience of sun and rain, expose to the weather, common in the results, fifty good heart, fifty pure heart, together, common sparkles with brilliant light!