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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 12:26:45
One day I came into the mouse hole saw the lazy cat lying there that cute little mouse, but for a long time have not seen the mouse comes out, I thought this cat is really stupid, the mouse is afraid of cats, it's here, how dare to come out and mouse, mouse are in the evening activities during the day, what will work in just ways appear? 再答: 翻译要吗?
再答: 有一天我来到老鼠洞口看见那只懒洋洋的猫又趴在那里等那只可爱的小老鼠,可是等了好久都不见那只老鼠出来,我心想这只猫真傻,老鼠是害怕猫的,它在这里,老鼠怎么敢出来呢,而且老鼠一般都是在晚上活动的,白天怎么会光明正大的出现呢?
再问: 我那个短文是介绍猫和老鼠的
再答: Cat and Mice猫和老鼠 Mrs Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top. " What's in your box?" asked the friend. "A cat," answered Mrs Brown. "You see I've been dreaming about mice at night and I'm so scared! This cat is to catch them." "But the mice are only imaginary," said the friend. "So is the cat," whispered Mrs Brown. 猫和老鼠 布朗夫人去拜访一位朋友,她拿着一个顶部扎满了小眼儿的盒子。“盒子里装的是什么?”朋友问道。“一只小猫,”布朗夫人回答说,“你知道我晚上睡觉总梦见老鼠,我非常害怕。这只猫可以抓住那些老鼠。”“可老鼠都是假想的呀。”朋友说。“小猫也是假想的。”布朗夫人小声说道。
再问: 是介绍猫和老鼠这个动画片的
再答: 哦
再答: 明白了
再答: Perhaps most people would love the mouse much more than the cat after watching the programme on TV.But I love the cat more.First of all,to catch mice is the nature responsibility of cats.It isn't to blame.Besides,the cat is also very lovely.It isn't clever enough but has compassion.What's...
再问: 还有呢?
再答: 够50了吧?
再问: 但也要写完啊,有译文吗?不好意思
再答: 那个不行,我还有
再答: 电影《猫和老鼠:出发去火星》 Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars America's favorite cat and mouse team take inter-species rivalry into outer space in this animated comedy adventure. Tom and Jerry are accidentally carried along when the first manned mission to the planet Mars takes off. Once the spaceship lands on Mars, Tom and Jerry are found out, though the big news comes when they discover the Red Planet is not only inhabited, but some of its crankier citizens have a plan to take over the Earth. With the help of a friendly Martian girl, the cat and mouse must battle a monstrous robot and brave a shower of asteroids in order to save the Earth.
再答: 电影《猫和老鼠:出发去火星》汤姆和杰里:发射到火星美国最喜欢的猫和老鼠的团队以种间竞争进入外层空间在这个动画喜剧冒险。汤姆和杰里意外带走时第一次载人火星的使命起飞。一旦火星的飞船降落,汤姆和杰里被发现,尽管大的新闻时,他们发现这颗红色的星球是不
再答: 汤姆和杰里:发射到火星 美国最喜欢的猫和老鼠的团队以种间竞争进入外层空间在这个动画喜剧冒险。汤姆和杰里意外带走时第一次载人火星的使命起飞。一旦火星的飞船降落,汤姆和杰里被发现,尽管大的新闻时,他们发现这颗红色星球的不仅是居住,但它的一些偏执的公民有打算接管地球。随着一个友好的火星女孩的帮助下,猫和老鼠必须战斗可怕的机器人和勇敢的淋浴的小行星,为了拯救地球。
再问: 是的,谢谢