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英语翻译不要直接百度GOOGLE翻译拉下来 专业名词较多.The world economy has shown ste

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 22:29:49
不要直接百度GOOGLE翻译拉下来 专业名词较多.
The world economy has shown steady improvement since the second quarter of 2009,but Strauss-Kahn says the recovery has been uneven.China grew at a blistering pace of 10.7 percent in the final quarter of 2009,but the government has since placed curbs on lending to reduce inflation and cool down an overheated economy.In contrast,Japan is worried deflation and weak demand could push the economy back into recession.
"Macro-economic situation has been very sluggish for last couple of decades.Japan hasn't seen,in Japan,we haven't seen the actual nominal GDP growth for as long as two decades," said Takashi Hibino,head of brokerage firm,Daiwa Securities.
Forecasts call for East Asia to grow 6.7 percent this year,followed by South Asia,- at 5.5 percent in 2010.
The IMF expects growth to accelerate in the poorest regions in Africa as the global recession eases.
And the U.S.and the 16 nation Eurozone can expect modest but continued expansion even as job growth continues to lag in the new year.
India Buys Gold from International Monetary Fund to Diversify Foreign Exchange Reserves
India has purchased 200 tons of gold from the International Monetary Fund to diversify its foreign exchange reserves.From New Delhi,Anjana Pasricha reports the deal means that India's Central bank now has the tenth largest gold holdings in the world.
Few had expected India's Reserve Bank to be the first to buy the International Monetary Fund's gold.
India has snapped up 200 metric tons of gold - nearly half the precious metal the IMF is selling to shore up its finances and increase lending to developing countries.
The Reserve Bank has paid $6.7 billion for the gold.
The addition of 200 tons of gold means that about six percent of the Reserve Bank's foreign exchange reserves are now in gold,up from four percent.The country's foreign exchange reserves totaled $285 billion in October.
India's Finance Minister,Pranab Mukherjee,says the country's comfortable foreign exchange reserves prompted the Reserve Bank or RBI to invest in the precious metal.
"Naturally as a finance minister my advise to the governor of RBI would be that if you are in a position keeping in view the availability of the foreign exchange you buy that [gold],and from that perspective it has been bought," he said.
Economists say India has bought gold to diversify its assets and hold fewer dollars at a time when the U.S.currency is weakening against other currencies.Gold,whose prices have surged in the past year,is seen as a hedge against a slumping dollar.
Daiwa证券Takashi Hibino认为,宏观经济形势在过去几十年都十分萧条,日本名义GDP增长在过去20多年都没有实际增长.
印度从国际货币基金购入黄巾以分散化其外汇投资组合.印度已经购入约200tons的黄巾,从新德里Anjana Pasricha报告披露, 目前印度中央银行黄金储备位于全球第十.在此之前几乎没有人预料到印度会是第一个从IMF购入黄金的国家.
印度已经抢购了200metric ton的黄巾,几乎是之前IMF可出售贵金属量的一半.IMF出售这些贵金属以融资给发展中国家发放贷款.
印度财政部长Pranab Mukherjee认为,印度外汇储备现状促使RBI在贵金属方面进行投资.另外,作为财政部长,他认为,RBI决策者从外汇储备角度认为应该购入黄金,那就应该购入.