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the road to ignorance is paved with good editions

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:56:42
the road to ignorance is paved with good editions
这句话是出自 Stephen Winsten 所著的 Days with Bernard Shaw.是 Stephen Winsten 与 Bernard Shaw (萧伯纳)谈论有关後者的戏剧时,说到萧伯纳剧作的前言.当时萧伯纳说:“我的剧本是无需前言的,但买我的书的人却需要有点东西让他们可以最少消磨一年时光 ...那些喜㰻读政论文章但不爱看剧作的人,可以略去这些前言不读.如果两者都不爱看的人,便可以把我的书当成是本古典名著来买 ...亦即坚持要买精装版.”
这之後接下来的,便是楼主所举的句子和它接著的一句了:"The road to ignorance is paved with good editions.Only the illiterate can afford to buy good books now."
所以,句中的 good editions 应该是指精装本书藉.萧伯纳说这句话时,显然是在讽刺那些不爱看书的有钱人才会爱买精装本,目的只是拿来摆设炫耀.所以上述两句的意思应该是:“通往无知的路是由精装书铺成的.现在只有文盲(或不学无术之徒)才买得起好书了.”
My plays do not need prefaces,but the people who buy my books need variety and quantity to last them at least a year.I want people to be amused and sufficiently discontented to
feel there is something to live for.Those who like political essays and don't like plays can skip the prefaces.Those who care for neither can still buy me as a classic,that is,spend more on me than the merely intelligent person by insisting on a luxury edition.The road to ignorance is paved with good editions.Only the illiterate can afford to buy good books now.The silly people who are ignorant of the literary tradition and who read neither my books nor anybody else's imagine that the prefaces which they never read,explain the plays which they never see.