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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 12:59:40
A Car Accident 车祸
Lucy :It was a red light,William.You should've stopped the car.
William :Sorry.I didn't see it.
Lucy :I told you not to drink so much.Your breath reeks of alcohol.We'll get into trouble if we run into a policeman.Slow down a bit.
William :I'm only going 60 mph.(They see a dog right in the middle of the road.)
Lucy :Look out!..(William swerves to avoid the dog and almost hits a car coming the opposite way.That car happens to be a police car.).Oh,no!
William :That damn stray dog!
Policeman :OK,buddy,your driving licence.
William :Here!.Listen to me,officer,it wasn't my fault.It was that dog.
Policeman :What dog?I didn't see any dogs.
Lucy :It's true,officer.There was a dog in our lane.If it wasn't for the dog,we wouldn't have almost hit you.
Policeman :You could have braked,couldn't you?How fast were you going?
William :Well it was about 50 mph or less.I was driving very slow.
Policeman :50 mph?Don't you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?.All right.That'll be one hundred dollars.
William :Wait a second!What do you mean "one hundred dollars"?
Policeman :The fine.It's one hundred dollars.Speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol.You can't fool me with that smell of alcohol in your breath.