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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 18:47:06
Richard has____a lot of money on debt all by himself and he feels quite happy.
paid off paid out
Air traffic controllers help prevent _____between airlines.
conflict confusion collaboration collision
He was still asleep,and she lay in pleased_____of his face for several minutes.(求翻译)
reflection regard contemplation contempt
As she emerged from the kitchen,he noticed a look of disapproval on her face which____him to anger.
provoked stimulated
His speech was both thoughtful and ______ interesting; the audience was simply enchanted.
exasperated exaggeratedly excessively exceedingly
It is hard to see how some of this work could____have been carried out without computer aid.
irrevocably applicably practicably theoretically
Despite the apparent well-being of the enterprise,expense ran high and the failure of a creditor to pay___ could cause the monthly sheet to indicate a loss if only temporarily.
proactively promptly amply abruptly
/>pay off 原因:pay off清偿债务 pay out 付巨款

collision         conflict是人与人之间发生的冲突 confusion困惑 collaboration合作 collision指车祸等事故之间的相撞

in contemplation of              

       in contemplation of 沉思,也有凝视之意.in contempt of 不顾,蔑视
  4.  provoked     
       provoke 促使,使愤怒   stimulate刺激,一般指是兴奋,或者是成功 比如,stimulate success.
      exasperated 愤怒 exaggerately夸张地 excessively 过分地 exceedingly表示程度 ,极其