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翻译文章(汉译英0长着红头发、满脸雀斑、爱幻想的女孩是谁?她当然就是加拿大赫赫有名的经典形象——安妮·雪莉喽. 车站边,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 15:39:26
Red hair,freckled,love fantasy girl?She is of course the famous classic image of Canada - Anne Shirley myself.
Station side,sat a little girl,a ridiculous velvet dress,a pair of big eyes looking eagerly to meet her.When she was on the carriage by the rapid progress to reach the Green Gables farmhouse,I know her name Anne; on the way to the Spencer family,and I did not know she was an orphan,the parents died of fever.
June morning is so beautiful.Yesterday's sadness,Anne has been forgotten.Although she can not stay in Green Gables,but she can imagine,great eyes,staring out the window long ago the sky is constantly changing,and her heart flew Jiuxiao Clouds.Ah,this is really a good place for people to nostalgia.
When she finally knows that he can stay in the Green Gables farmhouse how overjoyed when; when she and her classmates formed injustice Brian Gilbert how angry when unhappy; when she and her friend,Diana Barry,how to become intimate happy.Her treatment of love and hate towards the same frenzy.
Anne trouble every time,laughing and crying with her I gradually integrated.I followed her to cry,laugh with her,followed her to find their own troubles.However,this side also,my friend,they are Diana,Ruby,Jane,and Josie,Anne and I with them and grow.
Annie's eyes let me see the world beautiful,idyllic life began boring,boring piano becomes lively and interesting.
Anne is like a fire,light up my mind!Since then,even if I fall into the abyss of despair,will try to climb,even into the dangerous desert I will strive to come out.Boring,boring is no longer my opponent,I can make my own world has become particularly exciting!