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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:54:53
比如《红楼梦》中有这么一句话“……竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是嫡亲的孙女似的.”一般认为,嫡亲的孙儿、孙女的血缘上要亲过外孙、外孙女.王熙凤这句话无疑是指林黛玉气质不凡,就像贾母的孙女一样,借此来讨得贾母的欢心.如果将这句话译成“She doesn’t take after your side of the family,Grannie.She’s more like a Jia.”这样便有贬损贾母娘家之嫌.谙熟中国传统的杨戴伉俪将这句话译为“She doesn’t take after her father,son-in-law of our old Ancestress,but looks more like a Jia.”该译文使凤姐的言外之意表达得贴切到位,把中国这种封建家庭的传统意识忠实地传达给了读者.\x0b
Like a line in 《The Dream Of The Red Chamber》,"……she isn't like the grand-daughter of the ancestors,she is like the grand-daughter of relatives.It was generally believed that the blood of the grand sons and daughters of relatives are closer than that of grand sons and daughters on ancestors.These words which were spoken by Wang Xi Feng is saying that Lin Dai Yv has unusual class,like the grand daughters of the ancestors,in order to use to please the heart of Jia Mu.If this line was translated as,"She doesn't take after your side of the family,Grannie.She's more like a Jia." This would have the slight hint of depreciating the family of Jia.Yang Dai Kang Li,who was familiar with the tradition and cultural background of China,translated the same words into,"She doesn't take after her father,son-in-law of our old Ancestress,but looks more like a Jia." This translation was precise and was able to give the readers an idea of the ways of traditional Chinese families.