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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:16:50
请告诉我一些关于from的词组 像stop sb from doing sth .>这句中为什么要这么用,怎样理解这个句子.
from time to time
be different from
come from
from door to door
from now on
from tip to toe
hear from
be from
from then on
far away from
from morning till night
get some letters from my friends
a team from a country school
fly from Beijing to New York
go to school from Monday to Friday
three weeks from today
live far away from the school
come from = be from
get a letter from my friend
be far from
far from ...
keep away from
break away from
be away from
[中考] 远离
be from = come from
[中考] 来自
borrow sth.from sb.
[中考] 向...借...
learn from sb.
[中考] 向某人学习
stay away from
[中考] 远离...
stop sb.from doing sth.
[中考] 阻止某人做某事
draw tears from sb.
[中考] 催人泪下
take a lesson from
[中考] 从...在中吸取教训
prevent sb.from doing
[中考] 防止某人做某事
escape from prison
[中考] 越狱
tell one from the other
[中考] 辨别,分清
apart from
aside from
depart from
die from
far from
free from
keep from
learn from
result from
run out from
keep sb.from doing sth.
keep sth.from sb.
separate ...from
be made from
gather from
live from hand to mouth
from beginning to end
from that day on
from hand to mouth
from bad to worse
free from ...
freedom from anxiety / fear
derive from
[大学] 取得;起源;由来
be detached from
[大学] 把…从…上卸下
from memory
[大学] 凭记忆
preserve from
[大学] 保护,使…免遭
stray away from
[大学] 走离;走失;漫游
abstain from
[大学] 戒除,弃权,避开
excuse oneself from
[大学] 借口推托;婉言拒绝
issue from
[大学] 由…引起;产生于
other from
[大学] 不同于
refrain from
[大学] 忍住;抑制,制止
start from scratch
[大学] 从头做起,从零开始
from way back
from pillar to post
home from home
from start to finish
shrink from
shy away from
fall from grace
date from
fugitive from justice
【法】 逃犯
from nowhere
flow from
escape from
from scratch