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解释英语短语1.in private \ in public2.take one's seat 3.not……until

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 03:17:59
1.in private \ in public
2.take one's seat
4.ring sb=give sb a ring
5.get\go\come\look out of
6.by bus=in\on a bus
7.send sb sth=send sth to sb
Give\ take\ pass\read\ sell
8.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb
9.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb
Borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb
10.make a big\great decision
Decide to do sth
Make up one's mind to do sth
Be determined to do sth
Determine to do sth
11.think about\of
12.no=not a [an]\not any
13.start\begain to do=start\begain doing
14.Request\ask sb to do sth
15.one….the other…
16.who\what\where else
nothing\something else
17.a great many=a great number of
18.in this way;in a friendly way
By a way\on the way to
In a way\in the way
19.have been to \ have gone to
Have been in+place
20.from…to..\fly to..
21.up to now=up till now
22call sb=call up sb
Call back sb\call at\call on sb
Call out=shout
23.ask sb for sth\ask for sth
24.tell sb about sth\tell sb sth
25.knock at \ knock off
26.enter for…\take part in…
27.to one's surprise\be surprised to..
28.be full of \be filled with
29.allow so to do sth
Sb be allowed to do sth
30.be made in\of\from\into
31.at that moment=just then
At the moment=now\right now
32.at once=immediately=right away
33.pay …for…\pay for…
34.set out=set off
35.say hello\sorry\goodbye to sb
36.most of us\them\you
Most of the young people=most young people
37.be about to do sth
38.answer the e-mail=reply to the e-mail
39.go on a holiday\a trip
40.look up\look down\Look down upon ab
41.in a low\loud\ weak\strong voice
42.remind sb to do sth \remind sb of sth
43.remember to do sth\remember doing sth
44.be worried about=worry about=be anxious about
45.in a hurry\hurry up\hurry to
46.might\may as well+v原形
Had better +v原形
47.catch a cold\catch a bus\catch up with
48.It's a waste of time\money\water\food.
49.realize one's dream=one's dream comes true
50.That goes without saying.
Too much,have no enough time,you'd better put it on BaiDu little by little.