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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 10:17:28
When asked Jane Quinlan: "Ning Xu Datong why admit himself to his son scraping". To know his wife replied: because he is the Chinese people." The simple sentence tells the essence of the problem. In the hearts of Chinese people, home has irreplaceable important position, family is the most basic unit and carrier of Chinese culture development. The Chinese people wherever they are showing a strong affection, even at the expense of their own interests. Under the influence of Confucian ethics, filial piety parents, in the Chinese people is a natural thing. Xu Datong did not blame the incident because scraping Grandpa, but also trying to conceal him. When grandfather that his grandson scraping caused trouble, a person alone to find Datong boss Quinlan, with sign language and pictures to illustrate is own to Dennis scraping, all this is in order to protect their loved ones. And American culture advocating the equality and freedom, they advocate regardless of wealth or social status level, everyone respect yourself, does not allow others to violate their own interests, and respect the legitimate rights and interests of others. The Chinese people love the expression way is deep, the implicit, but this does not mean that the Chinese do not love their parents or their children. When Dennis and Quinlan's son, Paul, because playing video games and fight, and refused to apologize, Xu Datong as Quinlan gave his son a slap in the face. This is also explained in order to make the Quinlan face, Quinlan very puzzled. Americans do not understand this slap in the son, but the pain in the hearts of his father. Whereas Americans were more respect the facts, more emphasis on equality, pay more attention to let the children to solve their own problems. They think that child abuse and child education is a different kettle of fish, the abuse of children is child abuse.