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英语翻译1. Courtesy to the language will no more permit the hous

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:01:50
1. Courtesy to the language will no more permit the house to be called a room than it will permit a hovel to be called a mansion.
2. While we converse with what is above us,we do not grow old,but grow young.
3. This text makes no attempt to touch on all the problems which translators must face in translating from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English – such an attempt would hopelessly impossible.
4. Books vary in length from 60,000 to 100,000 words.The average is about 75,000 words.In one year of average reading by an average reader for 15 minutes a day,20 books will be read.That’s a lot of books.It is 4 times the number of books read by public-library borrowers in America.And to get it is easily possible.
5. Future does not wait.It becomes present and past with every second that ticks.You have barely time to turn around and already the coming has met the going … what will be is entirely in what has been,and no matter how fast you run,tomorrow is behind you never ahead.
6. 看到这幅画让我想到了我的童年时代.
This map call me back to mu children ages
7. 他是一个伟大的、英明的、正直的政治家.心胸广阔,具有远见卓识,精力充沛,富有魅力,举止高雅,待人真诚,深受人们爱戴.
8. 中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、城镇和其他用地.
9. 自周秦以来,中国是一个封建社会、其政治是封建的政治,其经济是封建的经济.
10. 《红楼梦》而后,续作很多:有《后红楼梦》,《续红楼梦》,《红楼后梦》,《红楼复梦》,《红楼补梦》,《红楼幻梦》,《红楼圆梦》…… 大概是补其缺陷,结以团圆.直到道光年中,《红楼梦》才谈厌了.
1 .礼貌的语言将不再允许房子被称为比一个房间,将允许茅屋被称为宫殿.
2 .虽然我们交谈是什么上面,我们没有变老,但年轻的成长.
3 .本文不打算涉及的所有问题必须面对译员在翻译从英文到中国或从中国英语-这种企图将绝望是不可能的.
4 .书籍,长短不一从60000到100000个字.平均约75000字.在一年的平均读读者的平均15分钟一天,20图书将阅读.这是一个很大的图书.这是4倍,一些书籍阅读的公共图书馆借款人在美国.并获得它是很容易的.
5 .未来不会等待.它成为目前和过去的每一秒钟的跳动.您有没有时间来扭转,而且已经在未来会见了去...这将是完全是在什么一直是,而且不论如何快速运行,明天是你身后永远领先.
6. 看到这幅画让我想到了我的童年时代.
This map call me back to mu children ages
7.He is a great,wise,honest politician.Broad-minded,visionary,energetic and full of charm,elegant manners,treat people sincerely,deeply loved by the people.
8.China is a big country,80 percent of the population engaged in agriculture,arable land but only one-tenth of the total land area,for the rest of the mountains,forests,towns and other sites.
9.Since ZHOU Qin,China was a feudal society,feudal politics is politics,the economy is a feudal economy.
10."A Dream of Red Mansions" and then,as many continued:"After A Dream of Red Mansions","A Dream of Red Mansions continued," and "after the Red Chamber Dream," "Red House Complex dream","make up the Red Chamber Dream," "Red Mansion Dream "," Red Chamber Dreams "......probably make up their deficiencies in order to end the reunion.Road until the light-years,"A Dream of Red Mansions" tired of talking about it.