作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:22:33
题目是关于the cafeteria should be run by student argumentation的
要求写argumentative essay(议论文)格式的
The Canteen Service on Campus May 20,2003(校园食堂建议信)Dear President,I am Li Ming,a second year student in the Education Department of OUF university.I'm writing to inform you of the true conditions of our canteen service.I don't know how to begin my account because the service is really bad.Please read my letter patiently and do something about it.We would be grateful for whatever you do for us students.Firstly,the quality of the food is bad.For instance,the rice is too hard.What's more,some dishes are not fresh sometimes.As a matter of fact,the poor food has already caused some stomach problems among the students.Secondly,the service is not good enough.Some staff members give us short measure when they are in a bad mood.Now and then they behave like robbers,robbing you of your appetite.Worst of alit they never smile.Thirdly,the price is too high.A small cake made from rice and dates cost as much as 0.6 yuan!It will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with such cakes.After all we are poor students.I wish my opinion would call your attention to the canteen service on campus.We are badly in need of your help.Looking forward to an early reply.Respectfully yours,
食堂的服务在校园2003年5月20日(校园食堂建议信) 亲爱的先生,我是李明,第二年学生在教育署的ouf大学.我写信通知你的真实情况,我们食堂的服务.我不知道如何开始我的帐户,因为这种服务,实在是坏.请阅读我的信中耐心做一些工作.我们将不胜感激,无论你为我们做学生.首先,食物的品质是不好的.举例来说,稻米是太辛苦.何况,有些菜不新鲜,有时.作为一个的问题,事实上,穷人的食品,已引起一些胃的问题的学生当中.其次,服务还不够好.一些工作人员给我们的短期措施,当他们在心情不好.现在,然后他们的表现一样,劫匪,抢你的你的食欲.最坏的alit他们从来没有笑容.第三,价格实在太高.一个小蛋糕,从水稻和日期的成本高达0.6元!这将花费我们一个很好的6元,以填补我们的胃,例如蛋糕.毕竟我们是贫困学生.我希望我的意见,会请你注意食堂的服务在校园内.我们迫切需要您的帮助.期待着早日答复.尊敬你的.做个参考.把话变一变,大概就ok啦