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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:45:19
一般用于骂人用语   the fuck 常用来加强语气,类似于“到底”、“究竟”、“the heck”、“on earth” 、“the hell”等,在疑问词后.  字典的解释很俗,就短短的5个字翻译“与某人性交”.  例1 熟人间的问候:"How the fuck are you?"   例2 疑问:"What the fuck is(are)."   例3 不满:"What the fuck is going on here?"   例4 迷惘:"Where the fuck are we."   例5 担心:"Let's get the fuck out of here."   例6 怀疑:"How the fuck did you do that?"   get fucked ,be fucked 被骗;遇到麻烦   例7:"I got fucked by the car dealer."   例8:"I guess I'm fucked now."   Fucked again 表示绝望,“完了……”   Fuck it 屈从,放弃   例9:"Oh,fuck it!"   Fuck you !不用多解释了   Fuck me.表示厌恶 类似“sth disgusts me”   fucking 类似 the fuck ,作加强语气,不过还可作形容词,表示一些不爽的事物   例10:"I don't understand this fucking business!"   例11:根本不想 "I didn't fucking do it."   例12:骂人反击 "Up your fucking arse!"   "He's a fucking asshole."   例13:当然也有表示高兴的时候,类似于“我他妈……” "I fucking couldn't be happier."   例14:放在一个词的中间(注意这种用法哦,国内较少见)增强语气:  "UNFUCKINGBELI EVABLE!"   例15:表示时间 "It's five fucking thirty."   Fuck off.“滚开” 类似“go away”   Fuck around.胡闹 “Quit ye fucking around!”   Fuck up.弄砸了 “How did you fuck your exam up?”   Fuck with 干涉 类似于“interfere with”   be fucked out 疲劳的,类似于“exhausted”   fuck 单独的用法:  例16:几乎 "I know fuck all about it."   例17:谁在乎过我了?"Who really gives a fuck,anyhow?"   FUCK 一词并不邪恶,没有一些女生想象的那么坏,它在美国人的口语中出现的频   率很高,就如同我们常说的“我KAO”.下面列举了一些名人说话中用过的FUCK:  广岛市市长 "What the fuck was that?"   Custer 上将 "Where did all these fucking Indians come from?"   泰坦尼克号船长 "Where the fuck is all this water coming from?"   约翰.列农 "That‘s not a real fucking gun."   尼克森总统 "Who‘s gonna fucking find out?"   航天飞机的指挥官 "Let the fucking woman drive."   爱因斯坦"Any fucking idiot could understand that."   毕加索"It does so fucking look like her!"   沃尔特.迪斯尼 "Fuck a duck."   艾德门德.希拉里 "Why?- Because its fucking there!"   约翰.肯尼迪 "I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in my head."